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Safeguarding adults


Some adult patients may be at increased risk of harm, both in the community and in the hospital, because their health condition, or disability, makes them more dependent on others. They may need extra support to safeguard them from the risk of abuse or neglect.

At King’s we recognise that safeguarding adults at risk is everybody’s business.

We provide all staff at the Trust with training about safeguarding adults that is relevant to their role. They are responsible for alerting our Safeguarding Adults Team to any concerns about, or suspected abuse of, an adult at risk.

We closely monitor patients more likely to be at risk, such as older adults or adults with learning disabilities. We can provide ‘reasonable adjustments’ for patients with learning disabilities, such as longer visiting hours.

We start planning discharge soon after admission, and the Safeguarding Adults Team supports adults at risk and their family and carers, so they can be fully involved in decisions about their care.

Our Safeguarding Adults Team:

  • ensures we provide high-quality care to prevent safeguarding concerns
  • provides an effective response where harm or abuse does occur
  • works with other agencies such as social services and the Police to promote patient safety
  • provides advice and support on matters concerning adults at risk, including patients with learning disabilities.

For further information, please email the Safeguarding Adults co-ordinator at [email protected]