Changes to visiting our hospitals due to high rates of flu and respiratory illnesses
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Have your say

We listen to our patients and local communities to help plan and improve our services. This page lists current opportunities to share your views about proposals for service changes at the Trust.

To find out about other ways to get involved with us, see our Get involved pages.

Current opportunities to have your say

Helipad night landings

Helipad night landings at King’s College Hospital were introduced in March 2019 (see ‘Previous consultations’).

Following the launch of night landings, their impact on patients and the local community will be reviewed. To share your views on night landings, please email [email protected].

Find out more about the helipad and opportunities to share your views and receive updates from our major trauma team.

Previous consultations

Outpatient user group (February 2022)

We recruited an outpatient user group particularly for patients and their relatives who use the following services at King’s:

  • allergy and immunology
  • respiratory
  • rheumatology
  • endocrinology
  • diabetes
  • dermatology

The group provided advice and ideas to improve services, including how we make best use of the new outpatient building at King’s College Hospital.

New car parking deck at the Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) (March 2021)

We received a number of comments from local residents and key stakeholders following the consultation on our revised car parking deck proposal.

New car deck at the Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) – initial consultation (November 2019)

We received a number of comments following this consultation and these were taken into account as part of the submission of our planning application. Additional consultation was undertaken by the local council as part of the planning application process. Based on further feedback received, the previous application was revisited and the design changed to address a number of comments made.

Helipad night landings – initial consultation (March 2019)

We responded to individual questions raised via the consultation and the feedback was used to shape our planning application submitted to Lambeth Council.

Permission was granted to extend the operating hours of the helipad at King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill. Air ambulances can now land at night as well as during daylight hours. The new development will ensure patients receive the same level of timely care 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Designing heart and lung care – now and in the future (January 2019)

Since November 2017, King’s Health Partners (KHP) have been working with the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust on proposals to change how care and treatment is provided for adults and children with heart and lung disease.

More than 100 patients, carers and representatives of charities attended events held at three hospital sites, with their feedback helping to inform the ongoing development of the partnership’s proposals.

Public transport

The Trust regularly works with local community groups and other organisations to improve public transport links to our hospitals.

In the past, this has included campaigning to save the South London Line (SLL). While the train service was withdrawn, Transport for London (TfL) reviewed the service in response to our campaigning and introduced a more frequent service between Clapham Junction and Surrey Quays.

The Trust continues to link in with Network Rail and TfL to ensure that local transport needs for patients, visitors and staff are considered when planning any future changes to train services and facilities.