Partnerships and collaborations
One of the key actions for us to achieve our ambition of putting EDI at the heart of everything we do is building community partnerships. We are committed to improving the reach of the Trust and growing our standing in the community through local partnerships.
The EDI team work with a number of key partners for the Trust, including King’s Health Partners and King’s College Hospital Charity to share best practice and work together to review inequalities in healthcare.
We also work with local community organisations including Centric, Lambeth Together, One Bromley and the South East London Integrated Care System. This collaborative way of working is key in promoting equality and diversity for our patient population. It ensures that our patients will have the best outcomes through joined up care that meets the full range of their health needs. As part of that commitment, we are making equality and human rights everyone’s business within the Integrated Care System.
We also actively participate in the pan-London Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Forum to share best practice, discuss challenges, and explore issues in both employment and healthcare.
Contact us
The EDI team is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, except for Bank Holidays and can be contacted here on