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Friends of King’s

The Friends of King’s charity provides amenities and comforts for patients and staff at the Trust, as well as medical aids and teaching equipment. Kingfishers works in close collaboration with the Friends of King’s and focuses specifically on children.

We were set up as a voluntary organisation in 1917 and rely on regular donations from our members and the help of our volunteers. We also raise money throughout the year through various fundraising activities.

Over the years, we have probably contributed to every ward, department or outpatient clinic in the hospital. All requests for funds are considered at our committee meetings.

How we support King’s

All our activities aim to support King’s patients and staff, whether through providing a service or raising money – and often both.

What we provide

These are just a few of the contributions we have made to King’s over the years, thanks to numerous donations.

Refurbishing key patient areas

We have contributed £200,000 towards the costs of transforming Marjory Warren ward into a unique, sensory environment for older people, including those with dementia. The sensory day room on the ward was named after a long-term supporter of the charity, Rosa Davis, without whose legacy this transformation would not have been possible.

Providing equipment to support patient care

This includes safety testing equipment for patients with breathing problems who use Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines at home, meaning they have to spend less time in hospital. We have also supplied auto-tilt chairs for Critical Care Units and bladder ultrasound scanners for numerous clinical areas.

Helping to improve the patient and visitor experience

We have provided televisions and Nintendo games consoles for children on Princess Elizabeth Ward plus furniture and pictures for day rooms for various wards. In association with our Kingfishers sub-committee, we have also helped to provide fold-up beds for parents who stay with their children overnight.

Supporting the Friends Stroke Unit

We provide equipment to improve patients’ overall care and experience on the unit. We also provide books and training equipment for the team.

Hospital Shop

The impact of COVID-19 unfortunately led to the closure of our mobile Trolley Shop and bricks and mortar Gift Shop in February 2020.

However, with the support of a huge number of teams across King’s College Hospital, the Hospital Shop opened just before Christmas 2022.

The Hospital Shop offers a wide range of greeting cards for every occasion, stationery, jewellery and gifts, as well as personal hygiene items including toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and pill boxes.

There is an expanding selection of things that you may have forgotten or need in an emergency, such as postage stamps, paracetamol, hearing aid batteries, menstrual hygiene items, fans, phone chargers, reading glasses and simple underwear.

King’s merchandise includes mugs, T-shirts, hoodies, pens and postcards, plus A4 and A3 prints depicting local landmarks such as Ruskin Park and Denmark Hill station. Not to forget the Faith in Nature refill station.

The Hospital Shop is open from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, and can be found on the Ground Floor of Cheyne Wing (also open most weekends, subject to volunteer availability). Please pop in to say hi and tell us how we are doing.

If you would like to donate online, click on the JustGiving button below. Please see JustGiving’s Privacy Notice here.

If you prefer to donate by cheque, our email address is below.

Donate with JustGiving. Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, Bank Transfer, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.



We are so grateful to our volunteers, who generously give their time and energy. We welcome people from every part of the diverse community that King’s serves and rely on their help to ensure Friends continues to provide valuable support to the hospital, its patients and its staff.

If you have time to give and would like to get involved, go to Volunteering at King’s or contact our Administrator on the email address below.


For more information about the Friends of King’s, email [email protected] call 020 3299 3370 or write to:

Friends of King’s College Hospital
King’s College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS

Registered Charity No: 207328