Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of the Trust.
It is made up of:
- Executive directors who are members of staff with overall responsibility for a specific part of our work.
- Non-executive directors who bring their external experience and an independent eye to decision-making and management.
The Board is fully committed to providing the highest standards of care and experience for King’s patients and staff. It closely monitors the Trust’s performance to ensure that internal and external objectives and targets are met. The Board benefits from the wide range of skills and experience of its Executive and Non-executive members, gained from NHS organisations, other public bodies, and private sector organisations.
Find out about our Director’s Register of Interests.
Board meetings
The Board of Directors meets regularly throughout the year. You are welcome to attend these meetings, which are open to the public.
Our Board Papers page includes agendas and papers for our Board meetings.
Next meeting
Thursday 8 May 2025, 2pm to 4.30pm
Dulwich Room, Hambleden Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS
Future meetings
- Thursday 17 July 2025, 2pm to 4.30pm
- Thursday 11 September 2025, 2pm to 4.30pm
- Thursday 13 November 2025, 2pm to 4.30pm
Board sub-committees
There are six sub-committees of the Board of Directors. Their role is to take responsibility for a particular area, address any problems, and report back to the Board to assure them that steps are being taken to maintain the highest standards.
Audit Committee
Responsible for monitoring aspects of financial reporting, internal and external audits, and the management of risk.
Board in Committee
This Committee is concerned with those matters which would benefit from input and engagement from all members of the Board which are developmental or exploratory in nature and which do not require (or are not yet at a mature enough stage to require) a debate leading to a formal decision that would warrant inclusion in the agenda of a meeting of the Board (in Public or in Private) under the terms of the Standing Orders.
Finance and Commercial Committee
Responsible for reviewing and monitoring the Trust’s financial performance against core targets and indicators, and ensuring the Trust remains compliant with Monitor’s financial and governance risk ratings. Also responsible for oversight and scrutiny of all the Trust’s commercial activities.
People, Inclusion, Education and Research Committee (PIERC)
This Committee seeks assurance on behalf of the Board in relation to the development and delivery of the Trust’s Workforce and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategies and the effectiveness of the Trust’s Workforce Planning arrangements.
Quality, People and Performance Committee
Responsible for providing assurance to the Board on all aspects of quality and operational performance, with a particular focus on patient safety, patient experience, and outcomes. The committee oversees the Trust’s performance against constitutional targets and the NHS single oversight framework.
It supports key aspects of the Trust’s workforce agenda including learning and development, workforce information, planning, resourcing and deployment, staff engagement, reward, recognition, and health and wellbeing.
Remuneration and Appointments Committee
On behalf of the Board of Directors, this committee agrees executive directors’ and very senior manager remuneration and terms of service.