Roadwork diversions temporarily affect Princess Royal University Hospital car park entrance
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Nominated governors

Our nominated governors are appointed representatives of our stakeholder organisations.

Cllr Robert Evans – Bromley Council

I have spent eight years as a Councillor in the London Borough of Bromley, including the last three years as Portfolio Holder for Care Services. In Council, I am also a member of the Health and Well Being Board, Adoption Panel, Standing Committee for Special Educational Needs, Children’s Board as well as Children and Adult Safeguarding Boards.

My career in education included deputy headships and a headship. I retired three years ago and am a governor of Ravenswood School and a board member of Ravenswood Learning Trust, a governor of Bromley Pupil Referral Unit, a Member of Court of the University of Kent and of St Olave’s & St Saviour’s schools and a member (non-voting) of Bromley CCG.

Anne Marie Rafferty CBE – King’s College London

I am Professor of Nursing Policy and a former Dean of the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery at King’s College London. I have a BSc in SocSci Nursing Studies from Edinburgh University, an MPhil in Surgery from Nottingham University and a DPhil in Modern History from Oxford University.

I won a Harkness Fellowship to study Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania and was seconded to the Department of Health to work with Lord Ara Darzi on the Next Stage Review of the NHS. I was awarded a CBE in 2008 and appointed to the Prime Minister’s Commission on the Future of Nursing and Midwifery 2009-10. I received a Nursing Times Leadership Award in 2014 and was named one of Health Services Journal’s Top 100 Clinical Leaders in 2015. I hold fellowships from the Royal College of Nursing, the American Academy of Nursing and am a member of the Parliamentary Review of the Welsh Health and Social Care Service.

Yogesh Tanna – King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

I have worked in the Department of Community Special Care Dentistry at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for 22 years. I also work as a tutor in the Department of Dental Therapy and Hygiene, providing support and guidance to the next generation of dental therapists. I am the Audit Lead for both departments. I have also been a member of the Clinical Governance and Health and Safety Committees and work on policy development.

I believe that colleagues and patients across the Trust deserve to have their voice heard, to raise issues and influence the decision-making process. Together we can continue to strengthen our Trust’s mission to provide outstanding healthcare services to our community.

Contact us

To contact a governor please email [email protected]