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GP frequently asked questions

How do I make an emergency referral?

The Emergency Department page has information in the ‘Referring to this service’ section.

How do I make an urgent referral for suspected cancer?

Please follow our urgent suspected cancer referrals guidelines.

Can I refer outpatients to a specific consultant?

Yes, but your chosen consultant may have a longer waiting list than others in that department. It is better to refer to the specialty rather than to a specific consultant.

You will find more information and advice on the process at Emailing referrals.

Why are my radiology and pathology results and discharge summaries sometimes sent back to a different GP at my practice?

This is because your patient is registered under another GP in your practice and our patient information management system (PiMS) would automatically send results to that GP.

We have now changed this, so all patients are registered under their practice. Letters will now be sent to the practice rather than the GP.

Can I get all my results by email?

Most of our referring practices receive their pathology and radiology results via email.

To register for this service, please contact:

How will I receive hospital clinical correspondence?

We aim to send all clinical correspondence via dedicated GP practice emails.

To register for this service, please forward your email address to [email protected]

Who do I contact to inform you of GP practice changes?

Please inform us as soon as possible of changes at your practice such as new and retiring GPs.

Email the Data Quality Team at [email protected]

What should I do with clinic letters and results received from King’s, for patients that are no longer in our practice?

Please forward them to:
Data Quality Team
Business Unit 2
King’s College Hospital
London SE5 9RS

Or email them to:
[email protected]

The Data Quality team will check the new NHS patient demographic database (formerly NSTS), amend the patient’s details on PiMS and send the letter to the patient’s new GP to guarantee continuity of care and patient confidentiality.

How do I make a complaint?

If you have any queries or concerns about the service you have experienced, email the Primary Care Liaison Team on [email protected].