Roadwork diversions temporarily affect Princess Royal University Hospital car park entrance
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e-Referral Service (e-RS)

Referrals from GPs to consultant-led clinics should be made through the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS). GP referrals made to consultant-led clinics by any method other than e-RS will be returned, with a request to make the referral via e-RS.

If there is no capacity for the required clinic on e-RS, use the ‘Defer to Provider’ option.

Our Services A to Z gives details of any exceptions to referring via e-RS. For example, diagnostic services are not available on e-RS.

Referral forms

Attach a referral letter or the relevant referral form, if one is available. Download forms from the referral forms page, or the relevant service page.

Urgent suspected cancer referrals

Urgent suspected cancer referrals (previously known as two week wait referrals) should be made on e-RS.