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Major trauma referrals

Our major trauma referrals system is for inter-hospital use only. To access it, you must be on a PC connected to an NHS hospital network.

How to make a major trauma referral

Please call switchboard on 020 3299 9000 and request the major trauma consultant on call.

Following discussion with the major trauma consultant on call, please refer the patient using the major trauma referrals system.

Please ensure that all images are sent to King’s via Image Exchange Portal (IEP).

Please use this system for poly-trauma referrals only. For single system injuries, please call the on call team direct and use the speciality specific referral system where available.

Time critical referrals

For time critical referrals, please call switchboard on 020 3299 9000 and request the major trauma consultant on call to discuss this patient, and then use the referral system to record the referral.

Non-time critical referrals

For non-time critical referrals, you will receive an update after the major trauma handover meeting which takes place daily between 8.30am and 9am.

If the patient deteriorates, please call switchboard on 020 3299 9000 and request the major trauma consultant on call.