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A better healthcare experience for King’s patients

20 July 2022 - The London Care Record enables secure data sharing to enhance patient care and save time and money

Patients being cared for at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust will benefit from a new London-wide record sharing system, helping ensure they receive more joined up care.

The London Care Record, which is being used at King’s College Hospital in Camberwell and Princess Royal University Hospital near Orpington, allows doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to access blood test results and scan results carried out at other hospitals via a computer system.

Access to the information enables teams at King’s to avoid duplicating tests, make faster and better informed decisions, and provide more tailored care to patients.

Dr Jack Barker, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at King’s, who regularly uses the London Care Record, says it is a game-changer for patients and busy clinical teams. “I recently saw a patient in my clinic who had significant communication challenges. She wasn’t able to explain what was wrong but we suspected latent tuberculosis,” he said.

“The plan was to carry out an array of tests on the patient but when I checked the London Care Record I could see she had been receiving treatment in another London hospital and the team there had already carried out a chest x-ray and other tests. This meant I didn’t have to carry out unnecessary investigations.

“By not having to repeat the x-ray the patient avoided unnecessary exposure to radiation, and the NHS saved both time and money,” he added.

The London Care Record is enabled by a network of health information exchanges (HIEs), which joins up data safely and securely. The confidentiality of patients and their data is carefully protected and safeguarded every time the London Care Record is used. Only those healthcare professionals directly involved in the care of the patient are entitled to access their information.

For more, visit the the London Care Record webpage.