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Half Marathon challenge for King’s patient and wife team

15 June 2023 - Nathan and Georgia Doe took on the 13 mile challenge to raise over £950 for King’s College Hospital

Two years after life-saving treatment at King’s College Hospital, Nathan Doe, 43, from Temple Ewell, Dover, has completed the 2023 London Landmarks Half Marathon alongside his wife, Georgia, to help support the Trust.

In July 2021, Nathan fell from a 10 foot wall onto a flight of concrete steps. He was initially taken to Ashford Hospital, where doctors found three separate bleeds on Nathan’s brain, and he was transferred to King’s College Hospital where surgeons removed around a third of his skull to relieve the pressure on his brain. Nathan was in a coma for a week, but was well enough to return home in August 2021.

Nathan said: “I owe the team at King’s my life, and I wouldn’t be here today without their care and expertise. In March last year, I was back at King’s where I had a titanium plate fitted to replace my missing skull. It’s been a long road to recovery from my fall, but I’ve been lucky to have had incredible care every step of the way. Aside from memory issues and tiredness, I feel like life is returning to normal again, which is just incredible. I was in a coma two years ago.”

Together, Nathan and Georgia have raised over £950 for King’s College Hospital Charity, which funds equipment, facilities and research to make the best care possible for patients.

Mr Ben Robertson, Consultant Craniofacial and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at King’s College Hospital, said: “Nathan and Georgia have truly gone the extra mile for King’s. Nathan has shown real determination throughout his recovery, and we are so grateful to him for his incredible fundraising efforts.”

It’s not too late to donate to Nathan and Georgia: find out how to support them here.