King’s nurse gives 11-year-old Mango a new home
11 June 2021 - Rescue cat Mango has been rehomed after his previous owner passed away

Mango, a much-loved cat belonging to a King’s patient, has found a new home with King’s nurse Angelika Timberlake.
In December 2020, a patient was admitted to King’s in need of end of life care. Angelika explained: “Staff caring for the patient helped her make regular phone calls to her son, and we overheard her insisting that “the vet mustn’t put him down.” She then told us about Mango, who had turned up on her doorstep a few years ago, around the time one of her sons had died. She said she thought Mango had been sent to look after and comfort her.
“As we began helping the patient make plans for her palliative care, she began asking if we knew anyone who could rehome her cat. I’d sadly lost a cat of my own, Charlie, the year before, and offered to take Mango in and see if he’d make himself at home. Our patient was discharged on Christmas Eve 2020; it was her wish to have one last Christmas at home with her family. I was able to keep in touch with her, sending updates and photos of Mango until her death in early February.”
Mango happily follows Angelika around the house and doesn’t like her being out of sight. Over the past few months, Mango has needed a number of visits to the vets; he’s had nine teeth extracted and a number of serious health issues. Angelika added: “Mango is now much healthier. He has a liking for sardines and vegan ice cream, and happily wears a bow tie. Mango is rather particular, he dislikes wet paws, sleeping in his own bed and taking medications. He is a very cuddly cat and it’s been a real privilege to look after him.”