King’s records London’s lowest hospital acquired COVID rate
14 March 2022 - Trust continues to take proactive steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust recorded the lowest rate of hospital acquired COVID-19 infection rates in London during February – and the second lowest of all hospitals nationally.*
COVID-19 infection can occur anywhere, but it is particularly important that NHS hospitals take proactive steps to reduce the risk of people contracting the virus whilst they are in hospital.
In the 28 days up to 27 February, 3.5% of the 422 COVID-19 positive patients treated at the Trust during this period contracted the virus during their stay – the lowest of all hospitals in the Capital, and the second lowest in England.
This is good news for patients, but also staff, as low infection rates reduce the risk of outbreaks occurring, which can cause delays in patient care, including for those awaiting routine operations.
The Trust has taken a number of steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection – these include measures such as mask wearing and social distancing, but also enhanced cleaning regimes, rapid processing and testing of COVID-19 samples by lab teams, close working and daily meetings involving clinical staff and infection prevention and control, and operational teams, plus dedicated wards for patients with the virus to reduce the risk of cross-infection.
King’s has been one of the busiest Trusts for COVID-19 admissions – caring for over 10,282 COVID-19 positive patients since the start of the pandemic in early 2020.
Dr Carmel Curtis, the Trust’s lead infection prevention and control doctor, said:
“This data is positive news for patients, and shows that the interventions we are putting in place to reduce cases of hospital acquired COVID-19 infections are working. Of course, we must remain vigilant at all times, and our ultimate ambition is to have zero cases of any hospital acquired infections – but the latest data shows we are getting a lot of things right.”
Professor Nicola Ranger, Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Midwifery at the Trust, added:
“Teams at King’s and across the NHS have learned a huge amount about the virus since the start of the pandemic, and we have improved the way we work as a result. Staff across the Trust recognise the importance of having strong infection prevention and control measures in place for COVID-19, and other viruses, and it’s vital that we maintain the highest possible standards when it comes to this aspect of patient care. I am incredibly grateful to our staff, who have adapted so well and changed working practices to keep our patients safe.”