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Liver ITU refurb improves patient and staff experience

08 April 2024 - A refurbished Liver Intensive Treatment Unit (ITU) at King's College Hospital is giving a better experience to our patients and staff

After just five weeks, the specialist unit has been transformed into a bright and spacious area complete with ceiling displays projecting illuminated blue skies across the corridor.

The 15-bedded unit provides expert care to some of the hospital’s most seriously unwell patients, with many spending months recovering following specialist liver treatment at King’s, including transplantation.

Linda, 62 from Brentwood, Essex was the first patient to return to the refurbished ward following a double lung and kidney transplant in November. As an inpatient at King’s since shortly before the works began, Linda said:

“You can really see the changes to the unit, it’s made a big difference. The ceiling sky displays light up the space bringing the outdoors in. It’s also fantastic for the brilliant staff. We proudly celebrated the reopening with a ribbon-cutting – they even gave me a balloon to hold as I entered!”

Changes include to the layout of the unit, which has been carefully thought out to position noisy equipment and busy staff areas away from patient beds to promote a sense of calm.

Patients now also have immediate access to the hospital’s entertainment system, with control of their own TV and ability to contact loved ones at the push of a button.

Julie Jose, Lead Nurse of the Liver ITU explained: “Everything about the unit is better now, right down to the floor! A lot of planning went into the refurb – which included moving patients into a separate space for over a month – but we’re really pleased. All went well thanks to the team’s involvement. It’s making a real difference to the care we provide and the experience of patients.”