Protecting myself from COVID-19
10 March 2021 - Kidney patient Donna Barracks tells us about getting the COVID-19 vaccination

Donna Barracks, 56, recently had her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination. She said: “I have kidney disease and regularly go into hospital for dialysis and check-ups. So when the virus hit last year, it was an extremely anxious time for me and my family. Overnight, little things we all used to take for granted, like popping to the shops, became much more of an ordeal. I’ve been shielding, but have been able to continue my job as a teacher from home.
“COVID-19 can have a terrible impact on anyone, whatever their age, but because I’m particularly vulnerable, I wanted to protect myself with the vaccine. I am lucky to have four children and three grandchildren, and I want to be around for them as long as I possibly can.
“I understand why people might be reluctant to have the jab, but this is a life-threatening virus. We all owe it to ourselves to have the vaccine. Life is short, and we are only here for a short while, so protect yourself and your family.”