Trust publishes action plan for 2022/23
25 April 2022 - Plan demonstrates how organisation will further deliver on five year strategy

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has today (Monday 26 April) published its action plan for the year ahead.
The plan is designed to give everyone connected with the Trust clarity about the organisation’s aims and ambitions for the next 12 months (April 2022 to March 2023).
It also demonstrates how the Trust will work with patients, staff, partners and local stakeholders to further deliver on its five year strategy, Strong Roots, Global Reach, published in July 2021.
Since then, the Trust has launched its new organisational Values (Kind, Respectful Team), invested over £60 million into new hospital buildings and equipment, and started work on a new electronic health record for King’s College Hospital, Princess Royal University Hospital and Orpington Hospital.
The Trust’s Action Plan for 2022/23 sets out 20 of the key projects the organisation will focus on and deliver over the next 12 months, with a focus on partnership working, supporting staff, and reducing waiting lists for planned operations.
We have agreed five key projects under each of the component parts of our BOLD vision:
Professor Clive Kay, Chief Executive, said:
“We have listened to patients, our staff, and key stakeholders, and we are committed to delivering what people have told us they care about. This includes everything from reducing our waiting lists to boosting recruitment into clinical trials; from investing in new buildings to reducing our impact on the environment; and reducing inequalities amongst local communities and within our own organisation.”