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Outpatient appointments

Our Outpatient Appointment Centre handles your calls when you want to change or cancel your first appointment. It also sends out automatic reminders by phone and text to ensure that as many people as possible come to their appointment, so we don’t waste appointment times.

How do I change or cancel my appointment?

See our main outpatients page for contact details.

Will I get an appointment reminder?

Our reminder service automatically phones you seven days before your appointment to tell you when and where your appointment is.

Some specialties across the Trust have set up text reminders. You will be sent a text appointment reminder seven days before your appointment. This is usually a two-way reminder where you will be able to reply to the message to confirm, cancel or rearrange your appointment. Our booking team will contact you if you wish to cancel or rearrange. Two days before your appointment you will receive a final text reminder. You will not be able to reply to this final reminder, and will be asked to call the hospital if you need to cancel or change your appointment at that stage.

How do I change my contact details?

Please help us by making sure we have your most up to date contact information. Without it, we cannot phone, text, or write to you. Contact us if you have changed your phone number, email address or postal address.

Who do I contact if I need more information?

We manage outpatient appointments and cannot give you medical advice. If you need more information or help, contact the service caring for you, or our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).