Roadwork diversions temporarily affect Princess Royal University Hospital car park entrance
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If you are having an operation, the law says we must ask you to sign a consent form to say you agree to it. We also have to ask you to do this for some other procedures.

We may also ask you whether you agree to medical students being involved in your care and whether you would consider taking part in any of our research projects.

  • Before we ask you to sign the consent form, we will tell you the risks and benefits of your treatment and if there are any alternatives.
  • We will then ask you to sign the form to say you agree to the treatment.
  • Please ask us if you are not sure about anything to do with your treatment. We want to ensure you have all the information you need about your treatment options so you can make an informed choice.

Healthcare students

King’s is a teaching hospital where our students get practical experience by treating patients. Please tell your doctor or nurse if you do not want students to be involved in your care. Your treatment will not be affected by your decision.


  • One of our doctors might ask you if you are prepared to take part in clinical research during your time at King’s. You can refuse to take part. This will not affect your treatment in any way.
  • If you do take part, the doctor will explain what is involved. They will also ask you to sign a consent form to show you agree to take part.
  • For general information on taking part in trials, please read our advice on volunteering for research.