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Patient information

When you are treated at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, we ask you for information about yourself to help us with your care. We keep this information on file, in case you need treatment again in the future.

This page explains how to apply to see the information we hold about you. It also summarises what we do with patient information. Our Privacy Notice for patients also has more information about how we handle your data.

What information do we keep?

  • Your name, address, date of birth and details of your GP (home doctor).
  • Your medical condition and the treatment and tests you have at King’s.

Why does King’s keep this information?

  • By law we have to keep certain information about you.
  • We use it in research and training and to check and improve the standard of our patient care. It also helps our staff review their work.
  • The NHS uses it to plan public care and to manage health services nationally.

Who can see my information?

  • In general, only members of staff directly involved in your care can see your information.
  • Other members of staff may see your details if we use them in for training or to review our work.
  • We will always ask your permission to use your details in research, except under very rare circumstances.
  • The law says we have to send some information to other organisations. For example, we have to provide details of births at King’s.
  • We will tell your GP about your progress, unless you tell us not to.
  • Everyone who does see your information must keep it confidential.

Why do we collect information about ethnicity?

Every NHS organisation has to collect information on the ethnicity of its patients. We only use it to make sure our services meet the needs of all members of the community.

We always keep your information confidential. You don’t have to give us information about your ethnicity if you do not want to.

Sharing your information

At times, we need to share some of your information with other health and social care services that are supporting you, so that you can receive the best possible care. To help us do this, we use:

Request to see your medical records

You can make a request to see your patient records. For full details see the medical records page.