Roadwork diversions temporarily affect Princess Royal University Hospital car park entrance
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King’s has its own Security Department that works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to help make the Trust safe and secure. We continue to invest in security equipment such as CCTV cameras and alarms systems, all of which are monitored in the Security Control Room.

Trust security staff wear a King’s uniform and their main role is to patrol the hospital and the grounds. They use electronic equipment such as access control systems to help them provide a secure environment for patients, visitors and staff.

We take your security seriously

We lock departments and wards when they are not in use or outside of visiting hours.

Some areas, such as the maternity and children’s wards, are locked at all times. You will need to press a buzzer to enter.

We operate a patient’s property procedure to help protect your belongings – please speak to a member of staff for more information.

All King’s staff wear a Trust identity card, which should be visible at all times, where practical.

What you can do to help keep King’s safe

  • Only bring essential items into the hospital
  • Protect your personal belongings – ask staff about our patient’s property procedure
  • Confirm the identity of staff not wearing an ID card
  • Do not give access to strangers through secure doors
  • Report all suspicious incidents to staff

Respect for staff

Our staff are here to help you so we expect you to treat them with respect. Any violence or abuse directed at NHS staff by patients, relatives or members of the public is unacceptable.

We operate a zero-tolerance policy against violence or abuse.

Contact the Security team

Contact the Security Department on 020 3299 4567 (internal phone extension: 33422) for advice or to report any concerns you have.

In an emergency, always call 999.