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Clinical Age Research Unit Publications

Whitney J, Jackson SHD, Martin FC (2017)
‘Feasibility and efficacy of a multi-factorial intervention to prevent falls in older adults with cognitive impairment living in residential care (ProF-Cog). A feasibility and pilot cluster randomised controlled trial’
BMC Geriatr
17(1), 115. doi:10.1186/s12877-017-0504-6

O’Riordan S, Vasilakis N, Hussain L, Schoo R, Whitney J, Windsor J, Horton K, Martin F (2017)
‘Measurement of lying and standing blood pressure in hospital’
Nurs Older People
29(8), 20-26. doi:10.7748/nop.2017.e961

Sherrington C, Michaleff ZA, Fairhall N, Paul SS, Tiedemann A, Whitney J, Cumming RG, Herbert RD, Close JC, Lord SR (2016)
‘Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis’
Br J Sports Med
51 (24):1750-1758

Whitney J, Jackson SH, Close JC, Lord SR (2013)
‘Development and validation of a fall-related impulsive behaviour scale for residential care’
Age and Ageing

Whitney J, Close JC, Lord SR, Jackson SHD (2012)
‘Identification of high risk fallers among older people living in residential care facilities: a simple screen based on easily collectable measures’
Arch Gerontol Geriatr

Whitney J, Close JCT, Jackson SHD, Lord SR (2012)
‘Understanding risk of falls in people with cognitive impairment living in residential care’
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association

Antonova E, Parslow D, Brammer M, Dawson GR, Jackson SHD, Morris RG (2009)
‘Age-related neural activity during allocentric spatial memory’

Ouldred E, Bryant C (2009)
‘A practical guide to dementia’
British Journal of Healthcare Management
15, Dementia supplement

Milton JC, Lee, TC, Jackson SHD (2009)
‘Determinants of a positive response to carotid sinus massage and head-up tilt testing’
European Journal of Internal Medicine
20: 709-711

Cukierman-Yaffe T, Gerstein HC, Anderson C, Zhao F, Sleight P, Hilbrich L, Jackson SHD, Usuf S, Teo K, ONTARGET/TRANSCEND Investigators (2009)
‘Glucose intolerance and diabetes as risk factors for cognitive impairment in people at high cardiovascular risk: results from the ONTARGET/TRANSCEND research programme’
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
83: 387-93

Jackson SHD, (Editor) , Jansen P (Editor), Mangoni AA (Editor) (2009)
‘Prescribing for elderly patients’
Wiley Book
ISBN: 978-0-470-02428-7

McManus J, Pathansali R, Hassan H, Ouldred E, Cooper D, Stewart R, Macdonald A, Jackson SHD (2009)
‘The course of delirium in acute stroke’
Age and Ageing

McManus J, Pathansali R, Hassan H, Ouldred E, Cooper D, Stewart R, Macdonald A, Jackson SHD (2009)
‘The evaluation of delirium post-stroke’
International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry

Ouldred E, Bryant C (2008)
‘Dementia care. Part 1: guidance and the assessment process’
British Journal of Nursing
17: 138-45

Ouldred E, Bryant C (2008)
‘Dementia care. Part 2: understanding and managing behavioural challenges’
British Journal of Nursing
17: 242-47

Ouldred E, Bryant C (2008)
‘Dementia care. Part 3: end-of-life care for people with advanced dementia’
British Journal of Nursing
5:308- 314

Sherrington C, Whitney J, Lord SR, Herbert RD, Cumming RG, Close JCT (2008)
‘Effective exercise for the prevention of falls: a systematic review and meta-analysis’
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Mucci, E, Jackson SHD (2008)
‘Nutritional supplementation in community-dwelling elderly people’
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
52: 33-37

Milton JC, Hill-Smith I, Jackson SHD (2008)
‘Prescribing for older people’
336: 606-609

Harari D, Iliffe S, Kharicha K, Egger M, Gillmann G, von Rentein-Kruse W, Beck J, Swift C, Stuck A (2008)
‘Promotion of health in older people: a randomised controlled trial of health risk appraisal in British general practice’
Age and Ageing
36: 565-71

Iliffe S, Kharicha K, Harari D, Swift C, Stuck A. (2008)
‘Sexual problems in later life’
British Journal of General Practice
58: 283

Hudson SA, Beckford LA, Jackson SHD, Philpot MP (2008)
‘Validation of a screening instrument for post-traumatic stress disorder in a clinical sample of older adults’
Aging and Mental Health

Mangoni AA, Jackson SHD (2008)
‘Vascular risk factors and dementia’
CME Journal Geriatric Medicine
10: 8-13

Hayes N, Close, JCT, Witchard S, Awan-Bux R, Anthony L, Cawley S, Jackson SHD (2008)
‘What predicts compliance rates with hip protectors in older hospital inpatients?’
Age and Ageing
37: 225-228

Ouldred E, Bryant CA (2007)
‘Caring for patients and supporting carers’
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants

Ouldred E, Bryant C (2007)
‘Common forms of dementia and their management’
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants

Mcmanus J, Pathansali R, Stewart R, Macdonald A, Jackson SHD (2007)
‘Delirium post-stroke’
Age and Ageing
36: 613-618

Stuck AE, Kharicha K, Dapp U, Anders J, von Renteln-Kruse W, Meier-Baumgartner HP, Harari D, Swift CG, Ivanova K, Egger M, Gillmann G, Higa J, Beck JC, Iliffe S (2007)
‘Development, feasibility and performance of a health risk appraisal questionnaire for older persons’
BMC Medical Research Methodology
11: 7:1

Thompson IR, Osei-Lah A, Blackburn AM (2007)
‘Disequilibrium due to a vitamin B6 megadose supplement’
Age and Ageing

Blackburn AM (2007)
‘End of Life Care for older people’
CME Journal Geriatric Medicine
9: 3-10

Kharicha K, Iliffe S, Harari D, Swift CG, Gillmann G, Stuck AE (2007)
‘Health risk appraisal in older people 1: are older people living alone an “at-risk” group?’
British Journal of General Practice

Iliffe S, Kharicha K, Harari D, Swift CG, Gillmann G, Stuck AE (2007)
‘Health risk appraisal in older people 2: the implications for clinicians and commissioners of social isolation risk in older people’
British Journal of General Practice
57: 277-82

Carmaciu C, Iliffe S, Kharicha K, Harari D, Swift CG, Gillmann G, Stuck AE (2007)
‘Health risk appraisal in older people 3: prevalence, impact, and context of pain and their implications for GPs’
British Journal of General Practice

Swift CG (2007)
‘Identifying risk can reduce fall rates’
The Practitioner
251: 39-47

Milton JC, Jackson SHD (2007)
‘Inappropriate polypharmacy: reducing the burden of multiple medication’
Clinical Medicine
7: 514-7

Manyemba J, Batty GM, Grant RR, Lowe D, Potter JM, Pearson MG, Jackson SHD (2007)
‘Prescription of paracetamol-containing medications as an indicator of quality of prescribing’
Age and Ageing

Lyons D, Jackson SHD, Swift CG (2007)
‘Selective AT1 receptor antagonism enhances sympathetically medicated vasoconstriction in man’
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Walsh T, Clinch D, Costelloe A, Moore A, Sheehy T, Watts M, Bryant CA, Close J Gonzalez J, Ouldred E, Pathansali R, Swift CG, Lyons D, Jackson SHD (2006)
‘Carotid sinus massage – How safe is it?’
Age and Ageing

Pathansali R, Mangoni AA, Creagh-Brown B, Lan ZC, Ngow GL, Yuan XF, Ouldred EL, Sherwood RA, Swift CG, Jackson SHD (2006)
‘Effects of folic acid supplementation on psychomotor performance and hemorheology in healthy elderly subjects’
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics

Mangoni AA (2005)
‘Cardiovascular drug therapy in elderly patients: specific age-related pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and therapeutic consideration’
Drugs and Ageing
22: 913-41

Mangoni AA, Sherwood RA, Ouldred E, Thomas S and Jackson SHD (2005)
‘Folic acid: a marker of endothelial function in type 2 diabetes?’
Vascular Health and Risk Management

Swift CG (2005)
‘New guidelines to prevent falling in older people’
Osteoporosis Review

Watts MR, Geraghty R, Moore A, Saunders J, Swift CG (2005)
‘Premedication for bronchoscopy in older patients: a double-blind comparison of two regimens’
Respiratory Medicine
Feb; 99 (2):220-6

Close JC (2005)
‘Prevention of falls in older people’
Disability and Rehabilitation
Sep 30-Oct 15; 27(18-19):1061-71

Close JC (2005)
‘Prevention of falls – a time to translate evidence into practice’
Age and Ageing

Lu TY, Kupa A, Easterbrook G, Mangoni AA (2005)
‘Profound weight loss associated with reboxetine use in a 44-year-old woman’
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Ouldred, E (2005)
‘Screening for dementia in primary care’
Practice Nurse
9: 20-22

Mangoni AA, Sherwood RA, Asonganyi B, Swift CG, Thomas S, Jackson SH (2005)
‘Short-term oral folic acid supplementation enhances endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes’
American Journal of Hypertension
Feb: 18:220-226

Whitney JC, Lord SL, Close JC (2005)
‘Streamlining assessment and intervention in a falls clinic using the Timed Up and Go Test and Physiological Profile Assessments’
Age and Ageing

Creagh-Brown, BC, James DA, Jackson SHD (2005)
‘The use of the Tempa.Dot thermometer in routine clinical practice’
Age and Ageing

Close JC, Lord SL, Menz HB, Sherrington C (2005)
‘What is the role of falls?’
Best Practice and Research Clinical Rheumatology

Mangoni AA, Close JCT, Rodriguez S, Sherwood RA, Bryant CA, Swift CG, Jackson SHD (2004)
‘Acute hypotensive effects of oral cisapride and erythromycin in healthy subjects’
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Mangoni AA, Jackson SHD (2004)
‘Age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: basic principles and practical applications’
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Nandy S, Parsons S, Cryer C, Underwood M, Rashbrook E, Carter Y, Eldridge S, Close JCT, Skelton D, Taylor S, Feder G, Falls Prevention Pilot Steering Group (2004)
‘Development and preliminary examination of the predictive validity of the Falls Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT) for use in primary care’
Journal of Public Health

Mangoni AA (2004)
‘Diastolic and pulse pressure: the old and the new?’

Ouldred E, Roberts J (2004)
‘Enhancing dementia care in hospital wards’
Journal of Dementia Care
12:37 – 38

Batty GM, Grant RL, Aggarwal R, Lowe D, Potter JM, Pearson MG, Jackson SHD (2004)
‘National clinical sentinel audit of evidence-based prescribing for older people’
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice

Jackson SHD, Mangoni AA, Batty GM (2004)
‘Optimization of drug prescribing’
British Journal of Pharmacology

Skelton DA, Becker C, Lamb SE, Close JCT, Zijlstra W, Yardley L, Todd CJ on behalf of the ProFaNE group (2004)
‘Prevention of Falls Network Europe: A thematic network aimed at introducing good practice in effective falls prevention across Europe’
European Journal of Ageing

Ouldred E (2004)
‘Screening for dementia in older people’
British Journal of Community Nursing

Ford GA, Bryant CA, Mangoni AA, Jackson SHD (2004)
‘Stroke, dementia, and drug delivery’
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Jackson SHD, Harn RJ, Wilkinson D (2004)
‘The safety and tolerability of donepezil in patients with Alzheimer’s disease’
British Journal of Pharmacology
58: S1 1-8

Dhesi JK, Jackson SHD, Bearne LM, Moniz C, Hurley MV, Swift CG, Allain TJ (2004)
‘Vitamin D supplementation improves neuromuscular function in older people who fall’
Age and Ageing