What we do
We are a local and regional centre providing inpatients and outpatients with a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment service. We offer a wide range of procedures and investigations, including:
- gastroscopy (OGD)
- oesophageal, biliary and colonic dilatation and stenting
- colonoscopy
- flexible sigmoidoscopy
- endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)
- endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
- video-capsule endoscopy
- endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR).
Preparing for your appointment
The preparation you need to make for your appointment will depend on the type of procedure you are having.
You may need to fast – not eat or drink anything – for a period of time beforehand, take a bowel cleansing medicine or arrange for an escort to take you home and stay with you overnight.
We will send you full information of any preparation you need to make with your appointment letter or explain it over the telephone if your appointment is made at late notice. It is very important that you follow these instructions so we do not need to cancel your appointment on the day.
Please contact us if you have diabetes or take blood-thinning medication such as warfarin or clopidegrel.
Lower Ground Floor, Hambleden Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS
Contact Details
- Main Reception (for calls related to appointments on the day): 020 3299 7874
- Patient Appointments Line: (for calls related to future appointments) 020 3299 3599
- Endoscopy Nurses Station: 020 3299 4079
- Endoscopy Pre-assessment Clinic: 020 3299 2775
- Endoscopy Matron: 020 3299 4080
- Endoscopy Ward Manager: 020 3299 8421
- Endoscopy Practice Development Team: 020 3299 8420
- Endoscopy Quality and Audit Nurse Lead: 020 3299 4893
- Decontamination Unit Manager: 020 3299 4951
Carbon footprint of endoscopy
The Endoscopy Department has been working hard to reduce the carbon footprint of the service through several projects. These include:
- sending all dry packaging to recycling
- ensuring the resources we use in the department are as environmentally friendly as possible
- developing telephone pre-assessment to reduce unnecessary visits to hospital
- replacing bottled water with tap water where safe to do so
- avoiding repeat procedures where possible
- using digital methods of communication to reduce the use of paper
- making personal sustainability commitments
You can help the carbon footprint of your visit further by:
- walking or using public transport on your way to the hospital – or cycling if you are not being sedated – find out more about getting to King’s.
- bringing a re-usable bag to put your belongings in while you are having your test or procedure
Find out more about King’s Green Plan.
Patient information leaflets
Title | File Size | Link |
Capsule enteroscopy | 216 KB | |
Colon capsule endoscopy | 160 KB | |
Colonoscopic ultrasound | 245 KB | |
Colonoscopy | 267 KB | |
Colonoscopy: guidance for patients with diabetes | 142 KB | |
Double balloon enteroscopy | 204 KB | |
Endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatogram (ERCP) | 331 KB | |
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) | 337 KB | |
Flexible sigmoidoscopy | 158 KB | |
Gastric peroral endoscopic myotomy (G-POEM) | 235 KB | |
OGD (gastroscopy) | 260 KB | |
OGD (gastroscopy): guidance for patients with diabetes | 141 KB | |
Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) | 315 KB | |
Transnasal endoscopy (TNE) | 163 KB | |
Wireless oesophageal pH testing | 243 KB |
Conditions we treat
We cover all diseases of the digestive tract. In conjunction with the Liver Unit, we also provide endoscopic procedures for pancreatic and liver problems. Colorectal procedures and investigations of the small bowel are undertaken jointly between gastro and surgical specialities.
Services offered:
- diagnostic and therapeutic gastroscopy (OGD)
- diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy
- flexible sigmoidoscopy
- video capsule endoscopy
- EUS (Endoscopic ultrasound)
- EMR (Endoscopic mucosal resection)
- double balloon enteroscopy
- PEG and gastro pexy
- 3D endoscopy and ultrasound
The range of therapeutic endoscopy includes:
- balloon dilatation
- stent insertion
- PEG insertion
- and a wide modality of treatments for GI bleeding
Other investigations relating to liver and pancreatic problems can be treated with ERCP, endoscopic ultrasound (both diagnostic and interventional) and duodenal stenting.
What is required before referring a patient
Modern guidelines have substantially reduced the need for diagnostic endoscopy for conditions such as dyspepsia. However, direct referrals from primary care will be evaluated and if endoscopy seems appropriate, we can offer the patient an appointment.
Booking a patient at King’s
Routine Referrals
All routine referrals should made to individual specialties, such as gastroenterology, liver or colorectal surgery. On receipt of the referral, the consultant will make an internal referral to endoscopy, if appropriate.
Emergency Referrals
Emergency referrals can be made by speaking directly with the SpRs or one of the consultants from the appropriate specialty, or by letter.
Patients with risk of cancer can be directly referred via the urgent suspected cancer referral pathway.
Key Clinical Staff
Name | Role |
Krystal Cocjin | Endoscopy Pre-assessment Lead Nurse |
Kamille Guiwo | Endoscopy Practice Development Nurse |
Dr Shraddha Gulati | Endoscopy Joint Clincal Lead |
Dave Kyle | Endoscopy Ward Manager |
Dr Deepak Joshi | Endoscopy Joint Clincal Lead |
Dr Vishal C Patel | Consultant Hepatologist and ACLD Clinical Lead |
Lysetta Purser | Endoscopy Matron |
Savita Ramnarain | Endoscopy Ward Manager |
Philippa Robinson | Endoscopy Practice Development Nurse |
Dr Charlotte A Woodhouse | Consultant Hepatologist |