Stroke medicine
What we do
King’s is one of eight specialist stroke centres (Hyper Acute Stroke Units) across London.
Patients who come in from the Emergency Department are assessed by our on-call Stroke Team. This ensures they have a head scan and diagnosis within 30 minutes of arrival.
Once stroke is confirmed, patients are transferred to our Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) for immediate treatment such as clot-busting drugs (thrombolysis).
Because we accept patients with stroke from all over the South East we ensure they are sent back to a hospital closer to their home for the remainder of their care. Local patients are transferred straight to our Friends Stroke Unit for continuing care.
We are part of the neurosciences department.
Transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs)
We also have a special service for patients who have had stroke-like symptoms but which have improved by the time they are seen. These episodes are called transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) and can be a sign that a person will go on to have a stroke. The greatest risk of stroke is within the first 72 hours of having a TIA, so we aim to see suspected TIA patients as soon as possible.
Our rapid-assessment TIA service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We see, assess and treat all patients with suspected TIA within 24 hours of referral.
- We see all high-risk TIA patients immediately and admit them for observation.
- We see all low-risk TIA patients within 24 hours of receiving their referral.
Health information
- information about stroke, including recovery and life after stroke
- advice on people and services that can help you and your family cope with the long-term effects of stroke
Fifth floor, Ruskin Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS
Contact details
- Stroke Unit nursing station: 020 3299 3913
Our fast-track TIA service sees, investigates and treats all patients with suspected TIA within 24 hours of referral, seven days a week.
- All patients are contacted within 24 hours of receipt of the referral.
- Very high-risk patients may be immediately admitted for observation or work-up.
- If symptomatic high-grade carotid stenosis is identified, the patient is seen by the vascular surgeons urgently and booked for early carotid endarterectomy.
What is required before referring a patient
Please use the form below for all referrals of suspected TIA. Please ensure the form is completed in full, with all relevant clinical details, and provide a full history of the event in question, attaching any other relevant documentation (past medical history, medication list, recent investigation results etc).
Please discuss all high risk patients with the stroke SpR on call, including:
- recurrent or crescendo TIA presentation
- patients in AF or on anticoagulation
- multiple vascular risk factors
- prominent head and neck pain suspicious of dissection
Booking a patient at King’s
Routine Referrals
For routine referrals, please email the referral form (link below) to the TIA clinic: [email protected]
Emergency Referrals
For any queries or urgent referrals in-hours (8am to 4pm), please contact:
- Stroke Registrar via the main switchboard, tel 020 3299 9000, Bleep 920 or WiFi 38925
- TIA or Thrombolysis CNS via the main switchboard, tel 020 3299 9000, Bleep 100 or WiFi 39167
For any out-of-hours queries (after 4pm) please contact the Stroke or Neurology Registrar via the main switchboard, tel 020 3299 9000, Bleep 920 or WiFi 38600
Other Queries
- For all other queries in-hours (8am to 4pm), contact: TIA or Thrombolysis CNS via the main switchboard, tel 020 3299 9000, Bleep 100 or WiFi 39167
- Out-of-hours contact the Stroke Registrar via the main switchboard: tel 020 3299 9000, Bleep 920 or WiFi 38600
Referral forms
Title | File Size | Link |
Lambeth and Southwark TIA referral form | 116 KB |
Key Clinical Staff
Name | Role |
Deborah Brown | Speech and Language Therapy Lead |
Maria Doheny | Clinical Nurse Specialist |
Stephanie Drysdale | Ward Manager |
Photis Garipis | Service Manager |
Claire Golding | Pathway Coordinator |
Dr Dulka Manawadu | Clinical Lead |
Glenda Mendoza | Audit Coordinator |
Dr Rohan Pathansali | Stroke Unit Consultant |
Eva Pena-Charlon | Matron |
Claire Ronzeau | Physiotherapy Lead |
Laszlo Sztriha | Education Lead |
Bill Tahtis | Consultant Therapist |
Maria Tibajia | Research Lead |