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Physical activity and cancer

It is safe and beneficial to exercise before treatment or surgery (also known as prehabilitation), during treatment and following cancer, you should try and achieve the recommended physical activity guidelines. If you have any concerns about exercising, please speak to your medical team or a physiotherapist before starting.

There is strong evidence that being physically active can help your health and wellbeing. Some of the benefits of physical activity include:

  • reduced fatigue
  • improved muscle mass and strength enabling you to stay independent and do the things you enjoy
  • improved treatment tolerance and reduced treatment side effects
  • improved quality of life and mood
  • reduced anxiety and depression
  • improved cardiovascular fitness
  • improved sleep

Physical activity can take a few forms, for example going out for a walk, gardening, or even completing your daily chores. It doesn’t have to be formal exercise such as cycling or running. Anything that gets your heart beating and you slightly out of breath will increase your fitness. Avoiding long periods of inactivity is very important. Even small changes can help, so start slowly and aim to gradually build up activity.

Cardiovascular activity

This can be light, moderate or high intensity, and can be done lying down, seated or standing. Strength and balance are also an important part of physical activity routines, as many cancer patients notice weight loss and muscle wasting.

This set of four exercise videos from St Christopher’s are designed to help you exercise safely at home.

Exercise videos

It is important to monitor your exercise intensity and cool down after any activity. You could try some simple exercise videos from Blood Cancer UK or The Royal Marsden, which are suitable for anyone living with or after cancer. The exercises will help you to move more, gradually build up your strength and find a level of activity that feels right for you.

Bespoke information

For more bespoke information, King’s provides an outpatient cancer rehabilitation service, offering assessment and intervention from our specialist oncology physiotherapist and dietitian.

Further information

Below are some links to trusted websites to help you get started with physical activity: