Dr Royce Vincent
Consultant Chemical Pathologist and Strategic Clinical Lead (Chemistry and Immunology) - SEL, Honorary Senior Lecturer
- Year Qualified
- 2002
- Qualifications
- MBBS, MSc, EuSpLM, FRCPath, MD
- Specialty
- Chemical Pathology
Special Interests
- Clinical applications of mass spectrometry
- Obesity
- Parenteral nutrition
- Pituitary, adrenal and thyroid disease
- Steroid metabolism
Dr Vincent is a Consultant Chemical Pathologist at King’s College Hospital and Senior Lecturer at King’s College London. He is the Clinical Lead for the Clinical Biochemistry and Parenteral Nutrition (adult) service.
He has a special interest in Nutrition and Endocrinology. As a Chemical Pathologist, he provides expert interpretation of biochemistry laboratory results and clinical advice. He ensures the provision of 24/7 laboratory services that meet full national accreditation standards (CPA).
Dr Vincent obtained his MD(Res) at Imperial College London. His research interests are in endocrinology, clinical nutrition and obesity.
Taylor DR, Ghataore L, Couchman L, Vincent RP, Whitelaw B, Lewis D, Diaz-Cano S, Galata G, Schulte KM, Aylwin S, Taylor NF (2017) ‘A 13-Steroid Serum Panel Based on LC-MS/MS: Use in Detection of Adrenocortical Carcinoma‘, Clinical chemistry, 63,(12):1836-1846
Risstad H, Kristinsson JA, Fagerland MW, le Roux CW, Birkeland KI, Gulseth HL, Thorsby PM, Vincent RP, Engström M, Olbers T, Mala T (2017) ‘Bile acid profiles over 5 years after gastric bypass and duodenal switch: results from a randomized clinical trial‘, Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, 13,(9):1544-1553
Mayerhofer CCK, Ueland T, Broch K, Vincent RP, Cross GF, Dahl CP, Aukrust P, Gullestad L, Hov JR, Trøseid M (2017) ‘Increased Secondary/Primary Bile Acid Ratio in Chronic Heart Failure‘, Journal of cardiac failure, 23,(9):666-671
Min SS, Mehra V, Clay J, Cross GF, Douiri A, Dew T, Basu TN, Potter V, Ceesay MM, Pagliuca A, Sherwood RA, Vincent RP (2017) ‘Composite biomarker panel for prediction of severity and diagnosis of acute GVHD with T-cell-depleted allogeneic stem cell transplants-single centre pilot study‘, Journal of clinical pathology, 70,(10):886-890
Maghsoodi N, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Cross GF, Werling M, Fändriks L, Docherty NG, Olbers T, Dew T, Sherwood RA, Vincent RP, le Roux CW (2017) ‘Elevated fasting and postprandial C-terminal telopeptide after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass‘, Annals of clinical biochemistry, 54,(4):495-500
Salota R, Omar S, Sherwood RA, Raja K, Vincent RP (2016) ‘Clinical relevance of trace element measurement in patients on initiation of parenteral nutrition‘, Annals of clinical biochemistry, 53,(6):680-685
Whyte MB, Vincent RP (2016) ‘How the routine reporting of laboratory measurement uncertainty might affect clinical decision making in acute and emergency medicine‘, Emergency medicine journal : EMJ, 33,(4):278-9
Dutia R, Embrey M, O’Brien S, Haeusler RA, Agénor KK, Homel P, McGinty J, Vincent RP, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Staels B, le Roux CW, Yu J, Laferrère B (2016) ‘Temporal changes in bile acid levels and 12a-hydroxylation after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in type 2 diabetes‘, International journal of obesity (2005), 40,(3):554
Belgaumkar AP, Vincent RP, Carswell KA, Hughes RD, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Mitry RR, le Roux CW, Patel AG (2015) ‘Changes in Bile Acid Profile After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy are Associated with Improvements in Metabolic Profile and Fatty Liver Disease‘, Obesity surgery, ():
Pavlidis P, Powell N, Vincent RP, Ehrlich D, Bjarnason I, Hayee B (2015) ‘Systematic review: bile acids and intestinal inflammation-luminal aggressors or regulators of mucosal defence?‘, Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 42,(7):802-17
Goyale A, O’Shea J, Marsden J, Keep J, Vincent RP (2015) ‘Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid for xanthochromia versus modern computed tomography scanners in the diagnosis of subarachnoid haemorrhage: experience at a tertiary trauma referral centre‘, Annals of clinical biochemistry, ():
Dutia R, Embrey M, O’Brien S, Haeusler RA, Agénor KK, Homel P, McGinty J, Vincent RP, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Staels B, le Roux CW, Yu J, Laferrère B (2015) ‘Temporal changes in bile acid levels and 12a-hydroxylation after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in type 2 diabetes‘, International journal of obesity (2005), 39,(5):806-13
Taylor DR, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Cross GF, Omar S, le Roux CW, Vincent RP (2014) ‘Urine Bile Acids Relate to Glucose Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and a Body Mass Index Below 30 kg/m2‘, PloS one, 9,(4):e93540
Goyale A, Ashley SL, Taylor DR, Elnenaei MO, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Sherwood RA, le Roux CW, Vincent RP (2014) ‘Predicting refeeding hypophosphataemia: Insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) as a diagnostic biochemical marker for clinical practice‘, Annals of clinical biochemistry, ():
Carswell KA, Vincent RP, Belgaumkar AP, Sherwood RA, Amiel SA, Patel AG, le Roux CW (2014) ‘The effect of bariatric surgery on intestinal absorption and transit time‘, Obesity surgery, 24,(5):796-805
Elias E, Casselbrant A, Werling M, Abegg K, Vincent RP, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Olbers T, le Roux CW, Fändriks L, Wallenius V (2014) ‘Bone mineral density and expression of vitamin D receptor-dependent calcium uptake mechanisms in the proximal small intestine after bariatric surgery‘, The British journal of surgery, 101,(12):1566-75
Vincent RP, Omar S, Elnenaei MO, Goo CH, Salota R, Wu P, Delaney HL, le Roux CW (2013) ‘Adherence to the national institute of clinical excellence guidance on parenteral nutrition screening is not enough to improve outcomes‘, Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 32,(1):73-6
de Jonge C, Rensen SS, Verdam FJ, Vincent RP, Bloom SR, Buurman WA, le Roux CW, Schaper NC, Bouvy ND, Greve JW (2013) ‘Endoscopic Duodenal-Jejunal Bypass Liner Rapidly Improves Type 2 Diabetes‘, Obesity surgery, ():
Vincent RP, Omar S, Ghozlan S, Taylor DR, Cross G, Sherwood RA, Fandriks L, Olbers T, Werling M, Alaghband-Zadeh J, le Roux CW (2013) ‘Higher circulating bile acid concentrations in obese patients with type 2 diabetes‘, Annals of clinical biochemistry, 50,(Pt 4):360-4
Ewang-Emukowhate M, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Vincent R, Sherwood R, Moniz C (2013) ‘An association between post-meal bile acid response and bone resorption in normal subjects‘, Annals of clinical biochemistry, ():
Scholtz S, Miras AD, Chhina N, Prechtl CG, Sleeth ML, Daud NM, Ismail NA, Durighel G, Ahmed AR, Olbers T, Vincent RP, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Ghatei MA, Waldman AD, Frost GS, Bell JD, le Roux CW, Goldstone AP (2013) ‘Obese patients after gastric bypass surgery have lower brain-hedonic responses to food than after gastric banding‘, Gut, ():
Werling M, Vincent RP, Cross GF, Marschall HU, Fändriks L, Lönroth H, Taylor DR, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Olbers T, Le Roux CW (2013) ‘Enhanced fasting and post-prandial plasma bile acid responses after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery‘, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology, ():
Pournaras DJ, Glicksman C, Vincent RP, Kuganolipava S, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Mahon D, Bekker JH, Ghatei MA, Bloom SR, Walters JR, Welbourn R, le Roux CW (2012) ‘The role of bile after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in promoting weight loss and improving glycaemic control‘, Endocrinology, 153,(8):3613-9
Etogo-Asse FE, Vincent RP, Hughes SA, Auzinger G, Le Roux CW, Wendon J, Bernal W (2012) ‘High density lipoprotein in patients with liver failure; relation to sepsis, adrenal function and outcome of illness‘, Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver, 32,(1):128-36
Patle R, Dubb S, Alaghband-Zadeh J, Sherwood RA, Tam F, Frankel A, Moniz C, Bueter M, Vincent RP, le Roux CW (2012) ‘Improved blood pressure, nitric oxide and asymmetric dimethylarginine are independent after bariatric surgery‘, Annals of clinical biochemistry, 49,(Pt 6):589-94
Couchman L, Vincent RP, Ghataore L, Moniz CF, Taylor NF (2011) ‘Challenges and benefits of endogenous steroid analysis by LC-MS/MS‘, Bioanalysis, 3,(22):2549-72
Wassif WS, McLoughlin DM, Vincent RP, Conroy S, Russell GF, Taylor NF (2011) ‘Steroid metabolism and excretion in severe anorexia nervosa: effects of refeeding‘, The American journal of clinical nutrition, 93,(5):911-7
Pournaras DJ, Osborne A, Hawkins SC, Vincent RP, Mahon D, Ewings P, Ghatei MA, Bloom SR, Welbourn R, le Roux CW (2010) ‘Remission of type 2 diabetes after gastric bypass and banding: mechanisms and 2 year outcomes‘, Annals of surgery, 252,(6):966-71
le Roux CW, Borg C, Wallis K, Vincent RP, Bueter M, Goodlad R, Ghatei MA, Patel A, Bloom SR, Aylwin SJ (2010) ‘Gut hypertrophy after gastric bypass is associated with increased glucagon-like peptide 2 and intestinal crypt cell proliferation‘, Annals of surgery, 252,(1):50-6
Vincent RP, Goo CH, Wu PF, Delaney HL, le Roux CW (2010) ‘Influence of adherence to the national guidance on nutrition screening and dietitian referral on clinical outcomes of those requiring parenteral nutrition‘, Journal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic Association, 23,(2):190-3
Kokkinos A, le Roux CW, Alexiadou K, Tentolouris N, Vincent RP, Kyriaki D, Perrea D, Ghatei MA, Bloom SR, Katsilambros N (2010) ‘Eating slowly increases the postprandial response of the anorexigenic gut hormones, peptide YY and glucagon-like peptide-1‘, The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 95,(1):333-7
Vincent RP, Barron JL, Mulleague L (2010) ‘Differential diagnosis of chylothorax in a patient on parenteral nutrition: a case report‘, Annals of clinical biochemistry, 47,(Pt 1):84-5
Vincent RP, Etogo-Asse FE, Dew T, Bernal W, Alaghband-Zadeh J, le Roux CW (2009) ‘Serum total cortisol and free cortisol index give different information regarding the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis reserve in patients with liver impairment‘, Annals of clinical biochemistry, 46,(Pt 6):505-7
Vincent RP, Aylwin SJ, le Roux CW (2009) ‘When the brakes came off: re-feeding oedema after deflation of a gastric band: a case report‘, Obesity surgery, 19,(10):1468-70
Vincent RP, le Roux CW (2008) ‘The satiety hormone peptide YY as a regulator of appetite‘, Journal of clinical pathology, 61,(5):548-52
Vincent RP, Ashrafian H, le Roux CW (2008) ‘Mechanisms of disease: the role of gastrointestinal hormones in appetite and obesity‘, Nature clinical practice. Gastroenterology & hepatology, 5,(5):268-77
le Roux CW, Borg CM, Murphy KG, Vincent RP, Ghatei MA, Bloom SR (2008) ‘Supraphysiological doses of intravenous PYY3-36 cause nausea, but no additional reduction in food intake‘, Annals of clinical biochemistry, 45,(Pt 1):93-5
Vincent RP, le Roux CW (2008) ‘Changes in gut hormones after bariatric surgery‘, Clinical endocrinology, 69,(2):173-9
Vincent RP, le Roux CW (2007) ‘New agents in development for the management of obesity‘, International journal of clinical practice, 61,(12):2103-12
le Roux CW, Batterham RL, Aylwin SJ, Patterson M, Borg CM, Wynne KJ, Kent A, Vincent RP, Gardiner J, Ghatei MA, Bloom SR (2006) ‘Attenuated peptide YY release in obese subjects is associated with reduced satiety‘, Endocrinology, 147,(1):3-8
le Roux CW, Patterson M, Vincent RP, Hunt C, Ghatei MA, Bloom SR (2005) ‘Postprandial plasma ghrelin is suppressed proportional to meal calorie content in normal-weight but not obese subjects‘, The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 90,(2):1068-71