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Dr Simon Chapman

Consultant Paediatric in Endocrinology and Diabetes

Year Qualified

Special Interests

  • Adolescent care, and transition to adult services
  • Diabetes and obesity
  • Diabetes and obesity in children and adolescents
  • Eating disorders
  • Endocrinology
  • Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery


Dr Simon Chapman is a Consultant in Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders

Simon has worked in the Maudsley Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders Service since 2010, overseeing the medical assessment of young people with eating disorders. He is also national lead for a standard setting group in adolescent eating disorders, and founding trustee of the British Eating Disorders Society, a charity promoting education across different disciplines in this area. He publishes actively on this topic and teaches nationally and internationally.

Adolescent diabetes and obesity

Since 2015, King’s has been one of five national centres offering bariatric surgery to adolescents. Simon has co-developed a thorough pathway assessing young people’s eligibility for bariatric surgery with input from nursing, dietetic, and psychological perspectives, as well as general medical, diabetes and endocrine. He has published in this area and teaches nationally. He also leads the adolescent/transition diabetes service jointly with adult diabetes colleagues.

King’s Adolescent Outreach Service (KAOS)

In 2018, Simon co-designed and launched a Red Thread youth-work led, consultant-supervised service, offering biopsychosocial assessment and support of adolescent inpatients, especially those under adult services. KAOS were runners up in the Lamy Awards in 2018 and have presented their model nationally.

General Paediatrics

Simon is on the acute general paediatric rota.

Education and training

Simon is an MRCPCH examiner and honorary senior lecturer, teaching at King’s College London as well as nationally.


Simon is a medical information officer leading Child Health in the implementation of the Epic. He is also a software developer for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and has built and implemented the RCPCH Digital Growth Chart Platform, now live nationally.

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