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Phlebotomy (blood tests)

What we do

Our routine blood test service is no longer walk-in. Routine blood test appointments can now be made via the Swiftqueue online booking system

Find out more information about Swiftqueue

We see patients at King’s College Hospital in Denmark Hill, and at the Tessa Jowell Health Centre in East Dulwich.

We carry out a wide range of tests including testing for lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, gut hormones, fasting blood sugar, malaria and drug monitoring.

King’s College Hospital, Golden Jubilee Wing
Mainly for adult patients referred by King’s College Hospital but also open to adult GP patients.

Our opening hours are Monday to Friday, 7.30am to 5.45pm.
We are closed on bank (public) holidays.

Tessa Jowell Health Centre
We provide an adult blood test service at:

Tessa Jowell Health Centre
72H East Dulwich Grove
SE22 8EY

Most people we see have been referred to us by their GP.

Our opening hours are Monday to Friday, 7.30am to 3.45pm.
We are closed on bank (public) holidays.

Blood tests for children under 16
Blood tests for children referred by the hospital or by GPs can only be carried out in the Paediatric (Children’s) Phlebotomy Department in the Hambleden Wing at King’s College Hospital.

The Paediatric Phlebotomy Department is no longer a walk-in service. Parents and carers can make routine blood test appointments for children via the Swiftqueue online booking system (more information here).

Our opening hours for GP patients are Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm. We are closed on bank (public) holidays.

Children referred for malaria tests must go to the Paediatric Phlebotomy Department at King’s immediately (no appointment needed). Out of normal clinic hours, please go straight to the Paediatrics Emergency Department for a malaria test.

Specialised tests

  • Malaria screen – come to King’s Phlebotomy Department for a blood test as soon as possible (no appointment needed). Out of normal clinic hours, please go straight to King’s Emergency Department for a malaria test.
  • Renin/aldosterone, thrombophilia screen, gut hormones, calcitonin or cryoglobulin – make a blood test appointment at King’s Phlebotomy Department via the Swiftqueue online booking system (more information here). Once carried out, these tests will be processed straight away.
  • Glucose tolerance test (GTT) – come to King’s Programmed Investigation Unit (PIU). This is not part of the walk-in service; you need to make an appointment by calling the Programmed Investigations Unit.

Preparing for your appointment

Preparing for your blood tests

Before having your test, please ensure you read and follow any instructions given by your doctor or on your blood request form.

  • Fasting blood tests – if you are having a test for lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, gut hormones or fasting blood sugar you must fast completely – have nothing to eat or drink other than water – for 12 hours before the test
  • Drug monitoring – you may need to have a blood test before taking certain medications, such as anti-convulsants. Please check with your doctor before you stop taking medication
  • Digoxin levels – if you are having your digoxin levels tested, you will need to have a minimum of 6 hours between the time you took your medication and the time the blood test is carried out
  • Glucose tolerance test (GTT) – you need to fast for 12 hours before this test. Please see information above on where this test is performed.


Adult Phlebotomy Department, Ground floor, Golden Jubilee Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Paediatric Phlebotomy Department, Third floor, Hambleden Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Contact Details

Conditions we treat

Please note, our routine blood test service is no longer walk-in. Please ask patients to make routine blood test appointments via the Swiftqueue online booking system. Find out more information about Swiftqueue. This does not change the way you order blood tests or receive results. Please provide all patients you refer to King’s with a completed blood request form and advise them in advance of any fasting requirements.

Blood tests for children under 16
Only King’s Paediatric (Children’s) Department can carry out blood tests for children. Please ask the patient’s parent or carer to make a blood test appointment via the Swiftqueue online booking system (more information here).

Children referred for malaria tests must be sent directly to the Paediatric Phlebotomy Department at King’s (no appointment needed).

Where to refer patients 16 and over
Please refer adult patients to the Tessa Jowell Health Centre in East Dulwich in the first instance. Please ask the patient to make a blood test appointment via the Swiftqueue online booking system (more information here).

Tests that must be performed at King’s College Hospital
Certain tests must be carried out at King’s College Hospital.

  • Malaria screen – advise patients to go to King’s Phlebotomy Department for a blood test as soon as possible (no appointment needed). Out of normal clinic hours, they should go straight to King’s Emergency Department for a malaria test.
  • Renin/aldosterone, thrombophilia screen, gut hormones, calcitonin or cryoglobulin – advise patients to make a blood test appointment at King’s Phlebotomy Department via the Swiftqueue online booking system (more information here). Once carried out, these tests will be processed straight away.
  • Endocrine blood tests – some of these can be performed by referral to the Programmed Investigation Unit (PIU) only. Please contact endocrinology on 020 3299 3237 or PIU on 020 3299 3034 to confirm.
  • Glucose tolerance – advise patients to come to King’s PIU. This is appointment only. Please advise patients to make an appointment by calling 020 3299 3034.

What is required before referring a patient

Patients should be advised in advance of any fasting or other conditions required for their blood test. For example, the gut hormone tests require 12 hour fasting; digoxin tests should be performed a minimum of six hours post dose.

Booking a patient at King’s

Please provide all patients you refer to King’s with a completed blood request form and advise them in advance of any fasting requirements.

Routine Referrals

For routine referrals, please ask the patient or their parent or carer to make a blood test appointment via the Swiftqueue online booking system (more information here).

Emergency Referrals

For emergency referrals, please send the patient to the relevant area as soon as possible (no appointment is needed).

Other Queries

For blood test results, contact Synnovis Customer Services on 020 4513 7300.

For general queries and requirements for specific blood tests, contact the Pathology Duty Doctor on 07890 259833.