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Update on the implementation of hybrid close loop technology across South East London

We have received several queries from our residents living with type 1 diabetes about hybrid closed loop technology and access to this via NHS services.

Hybrid closed loop (HCL) systems link continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) with insulin pump technology to monitor blood glucose and automatically adjust the amount of insulin given through a pump to people living with type 1 diabetes. HCL has been shown to improve glycemic control, reduce hypoglycemia and reduce the burden related to daily living with type 1 diabetes.

In December 2023, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommended that HCL technology should be rolled out in a phased implementation, over the next five years.

Over the next five years, we will be expanding access to HCL systems across South East London, including residents in Southwark, Lambeth, Lewisham, Greenwich, Bexley, and Bromley. HCL systems will become available incrementally for the following groups:

First priority groups

  • Children and young people (under 18 years old) living with type 1 diabetes
  • Women, trans men and non-binary people living with type 1 diabetes who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant

Second priority group

  • Adults living with type 1 diabetes who have poorly controlled diabetes despite best possible management with:
    • continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII)
    • real-time continuous glucose monitoring
    • intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring

In South East London, we will be prioritising access based on clinical need to ensure that patients with the most pressing needs are supported first. This may mean some individuals will have to wait between one to three years for access. Access will be provided through our existing diabetes outpatient services, and patients do not need to contact their GP about HCL systems, as they will be contacted directly by the diabetes specialty services. If you are not using secondary services, please discuss your options with your GP. All people living with type 1 diabetes should continue attending their regular appointments, where treatment options, including access to HCL systems, will be discussed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

What we do

We provide coordinated, all-round care for people with diabetes who live in south east London. We also see people from outside this catchment area who have more complex type 1 diabetes.

We offer:

  • treatment
  • group and one-to-one support to help you manage your condition
  • and access to peer support

Our coordinated approach means you will see experts from a range of fields of medicine, and from different healthcare professions, based on your specific needs.

We also have an active research programme, which gives our patients access to state-of-the-art therapies, as well as well-established treatments.

Preparing for your outpatient clinic appointment

Your appointment may be face-to-face, or by telephone or video.

Depending on which clinic you are attending, the healthcare professional who completes your consultation may be a:

  • doctor
  • diabetes specialist nurse
  • dietitian
  • psychologist
  • or another member of our multidisciplinary team

Face-to-face appointments

Face-to-face appointments take place at the hospital.

Please see the When you arrive page. This covers how to tell us that you have arrived for your appointment.

After you have told us you have arrived, you can take a seat in the waiting area.

You will have some standard tests and checks. Your name will appear on screens on the wall for some or all of the following:

  • a HbA1c blood test
  • a urine sample
  • to download information from any diabetes technology you use. Please bring all your diabetes devices.
  • your blood pressure, height, and weight will be recorded.

You can then return to the waiting area. When your healthcare professional is available you will be called to your consultation.

Video and telephone appointments

Video and telephone appointments do not require hospital attendance. Video appointments are sometimes called telemedicine.

Find out more about how our video appointments work.

Your blood tests, including a HbA1c, may have already been done by your GP. If needed, your healthcare professional can book them to be done at King’s and review the results after your appointment.

Preparing for a clinic appointment – checklist:

Please prepare for your appointment in advance. The more information you can give, the more you will get from the consultation:

  • Complete any questionnaires that we have sent you prior to your appointment. This will allow us to focus on what’s important to you in your consultation.
  • Make a note of the main things you would like to talk about. For example, issues, questions, upcoming events or changes.
  • If you want to talk about specific insulin dose adjustment issues, for the two weeks before your appointment make a note of your carbohydrate portions and meals, exercise, and insulin doses.
  • Have an up-to-date list of your medication to hand
  • Have a copy of any blood, urine, and eye screening results done in the last 6 to 12 months to hand
  • If you use a diabetes device or technology, upload this beforehand so that the data can be reviewed during the appointment. You can find more information about this in the Self-management resources section of this page.
  • If your appointment is face-to-face, bring any diabetes technology or devices you use, and your glucose diary
  • Re-read your last clinic letter


Self-management resources

General diabetes websites

NHS website – diabetes information

Advice and links for adults who have diabetes

Diabetes UK

Information and news on all aspects of living with diabetes


Film library to help self management and share the experiences of people living with diabetes

Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation

Charity providing information and support to help people with diabetes manage their condition and enhance their quality of life

Type 1 diabetes

MyType1 Diabetes

An NHS-funded website with tools, resources, and short online courses accessible to everyone

Breakthrough T1D (formerly JDRF)

Charity dedicated to type 1 diabetes research and support

Courses about diabetes

Diabetes Book and Learn

Diabetes education and training available to people in south London

ABCD educational resources

Association of British Clinical Diabetologists – educational resources for people living with diabetes

Type 1 diabetes

MyType1 Diabetes

Online courses and resources and

Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE)

BERTIE Diabetes

Online diabetes education courses

Type 2 diabetes

NHS – Healthy living for people with type 2 diabetes

A free online NHS programme that supports people to live well with type 2 diabetes

Food and carbohydrate counting

Diabetes UK – eating with diabetes

Information about making healthy food choices.

Carbs and Cals

Book and app that makes carbohydrate counting easier using photos of different portion sizes

Type 1 diabetes

Carbohydrate counting support

From Diabetes UK

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes and diet

From Diabetes UK

Type 2 diabetes diet information

From the Association of UK Dietitians

Bolus calculators and trackers

Carbohydrate calculator chart

By Nutrition and Diet Resources UK (NDR-UK)

Bolus calculator chart

By Nutrition and Diet Resources UK (NDR-UK)

My Sugr app

Diabetes management app


Diabetes management app

Managing illness and sick day rules

What to do when you are ill. This is sometimes known as sick day rules.

Type 1 diabetes: what to do when you are ill

From Trend Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes: what to do when you are ill

From Trend Diabetes

Hybrid Closed Loop (HCL) System: Information Leaflet

Includes information on HCLs and sick day rules. From the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists.


Diabetes and exercise

From Diabetes UK

Hybrid closed loop systems and exercise (video)

From The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists

Exercise and the FreeStyle Libre (video)

From The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists

EXTOD (Exercise for Type 1 Diabetes)

Includes information on managing blood sugar levels when exercising

Exercise and type 1 diabetes

From Breakthrough T1D diabetes charity (formerly JDRF)

Diabetes technology

Hybrid Closed Loop System: information leaflet

From the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists

Glooko login

Medtronic Carelink login

Freestyle Libre login

To link your account to King’s College Hospital: in Account settings, click My practices and enter code: 11457101

Dexcom Clarity login

Ask your healthcare professional to email you the link to share your data

mylife app

Diabetes management app for use with Ypsopump

Skin solutions

Advice including placing devices and preventing skin irritation.


Planning for a pregnancy when you have diabetes

From Diabetes UK

Diabetes and pregnancy

From the NHS website

Pregnancy top tips

From DTN- UK

Diabetes tech in pregnancy

From the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists

Type 1 diabetes

Pregnancy toolkit

From Breakthrough T1D diabetes charity (formerly JDRF)

Psychological support

NHS talking therapies

You can refer yourself to NHS talking therapies

Islet cell therapy

Islet transplantation for people with type 1 diabetes

Islet cell transplantation for type 1 diabetes

From Diabetes UK

Pancreas transplant

From NHS Blood and Transplant

Total pancreatectomy and auto-islet transplantation

Transplanting a patient’s own pancreatic islet cells to improve blood sugar control following pancreatectomy

NICE guidelines

Driving and travel

If you need to speak to your diabetes team about travelling, do this at least two weeks before you go away. Also check you have appropriate insurance.

Diabetes and driving


Tell the DVLA about a medical condition


Diabetes: Safe driving and the DVLA

From Trend Diabetes

Travelling with diabetes

From Diabetes UK


Most outpatient appointments are held in:

Ground Floor, Venetian Building, King’s College Hospital, Caldecot Road, SE5 9RS

To confirm your appointment location, check your appointment letter or text.

Contact Details


First outpatient appointments: 020 3299 1919

Follow-up appointments (Outpatient reception): 020 3299 7419 and 020 3299 7420

Diabetes secretaries: 020 3299 0803

Appointments email: [email protected]

Technology and devices

For troubleshooting issues, in the Self-management resources section go to ‘Diabetes technology’. If you have a technical problem with your pump, manufacturers provide 24-hour helpline support:

Roche: 0800 701 000

Medtronic: 01923 205 167

Insulet (Omnipod): 0800 011 6132

Ypsomed: 0344 856 7820

Air Liquide for Tandem T slim: 0800 012 1560

Advanced Therapeutics for Dana: 01926 833273

King’s diabetes technician: [email protected]

Patient information leaflets

TitleFile SizeLink
Flash and real time continuous glucose monitoring: NICE diabetes guidance update135 KB
Patient-initiated follow-up (PIFU) for diabetes patients37 KB

For information on referring to our specialty clinics, see our list of Specialties in ‘General information’.

How to refer


GPs should refer via NHS e-referral (e-RS).

To make an urgent referral, use NHS e-Referral and state that the referral is urgent.

Secondary care

To refer, email: [email protected]

To discuss urgent referrals contact the Diabetes secretaries via the switchboard on 020 3299 9000.

Other Queries

Diabetes Outpatient Department, tel: 020 3299 8570

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Dorcas Awosode Diabetes Care Navigator
Anita Beckwith Lead Diabetes Dietitian
Malcolm Bennison Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Comfort Bright-Davies Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Dr Marilia Calcia Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist
Dr Yee Seun Cheah Consultant Diabetes Physician; Type 1 Diabetes Lead
Geraldine Gallen Diabetes Specialist Nurse; Type 1 Diabetes Service Lead
Dr Carol Gayle Consultant Diabetes Physician
Babita Gurung Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Dr Sophie Harris Consultant Diabetes Physician
Dr Kate Hunt Consultant Diabetes Physician; Pregnancy Lead
Professor Khalida Ismail Professor of Psychiatry
Janice Jimenez Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Emily Jordan Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Dr Vasiliki Kolovou Consultant Diabetes Physician
Jawairia Latif Diabetes Dietitian
Kaylee Lovie Lead Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Dr Chris Manu Consultant Diabetes Physician; Diabetes Foot Lead
Dr Omar Mustafa Consultant Diabetes Physician; Inpatient Lead
Georgia Noble-Bell Diabetes Specialist Nurse; Inpatient Services Lead
Vivian Obah Diabetes Technician
Vidya Purhigail Sathish Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Helen Rogers Nurse Consultant in Diabetes; Joint Lead for Pregnancy
Dr Miranda Rosenthal Consultant Diabetes Physician
Dr Marietta Stadler Consultant Diabetes Physician and NIHR Clinical Scientist
Genevieve Storie Diabetes Dietitian
Dr Erika Vainieri Consultant Diabetes Physician
Mahima Varghese Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Dr Prashanth Vas Consultant Diabetes Physician
Emma Whight Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Dr Martin Whyte Consultant Diabetes Physician
Gizem Yandas Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Susana Yalley Diabetes Specialist Nurse