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Diabetes with end-stage renal disease on dialysis

What we do

We see people who have diabetes and attend a King’s haemodialysis unit at the hospital, or in Southwark or Lambeth.

Where possible, we offer you appointments on days you are already coming to the hospital for haemodialysis.

We look at your glucose control both on and off dialysis, to try to optimise this. This helps to provide the safest diabetes treatment for you.

For many people, we encourage wearing a sensor to monitor blood glucose 24 hours a day.


Willowfield Building
King’s College Hospital
Bessemer Road

Dialysis Unit
Ground Floor, Cheyne Wing
King’s College Hospital
Denmark Hill

Contact Details

Go to our Diabetes page for contact details

We see adults with diabetes (type 1, type 2, or other) having haemodialysis at a King’s College Hospital dialysis unit in Lambeth or Southwark who have:

  • suboptimal glycaemic control – personalised target or HbA1c more than 80 mmol/mol (9.5%)
  • or problematic hypoglycaemia

All adults who meet this criteria who have type 1 diabetes should be referred to us, or to the General type 1 diabetes clinic.

How to refer

Internal referrals

Referrals from King’s should be made in Epic, to the diabetes-renal team.

Primary care

Refer via NHS e-referral (e-RS).

Secondary care

Email: [email protected]

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Kaylee Lovie Diabetes Matron
Dr Chris Manu Diabetes Consultant
Simona Racaru Diabetes Nurse Specialist
Dr Erika Vainieri Diabetes Consultant