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General imaging

What we do

We provide a full range of diagnostic, interventional and therapeutic radiology investigations. Depending on the type of examination you are having, you may need to prepare beforehand for your procedure. Your letter will give you the information you need which is specific to the test you are having. Please make sure you read the information in your letter carefully before you come to hospital.

Our main services, which are all based at King’s College Hospital, are:

  • X-ray – uses x-rays to produce images of the skeleton, chest and abdomen.
  • Ultrasound – uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of organs such as the liver and kidneys, as well as muscles.
  • Computerised tomography (CT) scan – uses x-rays to produce detailed cross-sectional images of the body and head.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan – uses a combination of strong magnetic and radiowaves to produce detailed pictures of the body and head.
  • Interventional radiology – uses x-ray images and contrast media to diagnose or treat diseases using the least invasive techniques.
  • Fluoroscopy – uses x-ray and contrast media to provide ‘live’ images, most commonly of the gastrointestinal organs.

For breast mammography see our Breast Screening page.

Preparing for your appointment

You do not need to make any special preparations for most examinations. Your appointment letter will give you details, where necessary.

Appointment queries

If you have any questions about your appointment, please contact us on the relevant number below.

Locations and opening times

X-Ray 1 (x-ray appointments and walk-in service)

Location: Ground floor, Golden Jubilee Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Opening hours:

    • Appointments: Monday to Friday, 8am to 7.45pm
    • Walk-in service: Monday to Friday, 8am to 5.45pm

X-Ray 2 (fluoroscopy barium/screening appointments)

Location: First floor, Denmark Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

General Ultrasound 1 (inpatients and paediatric outpatients from Monday to Friday, all patients at the weekend)

Location: Ground floor, Cheyne Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Opening hours:

    • Monday to Friday 8am to 4.30pm
    • Weekend hours vary

General Ultrasound 2 (adult outpatients)

Location: 2nd floor, Denmark Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8am to 5.45pm

Contact details

Patient information leaflets

TitleFile SizeLink
Caring for a patient during an X-ray examination149 KB
Computed tomography (CT) (adult patients)147 KB
Computed tomography (CT) (child patients)276 KB
Fluoroscopy (adult patients)166 KB
Fluoroscopy (child patients)273 KB
General radiology (adult patients)148 KB
General radiology (child patients)248 KB
Having a pelvic MRI with rectal gel186 KB
Having a small bowel MRI177 KB
Having an MRI defecating proctogram187 KB
Having an MRI using the feed and wrap technique173 KB

Conditions we treat

Our imaging service offers a full range of investigations including:

  • x-ray
  • fluoroscopy
  • ultrasound (excluding obstetrics)
  • CT Scanning
  • MRI Scanning
  • interventional radiology

Other imaging departments

Interventional cardiology: specialist cardiac imaging and treatment.

Neuroradiology: specialist brain and spinal imaging and treatment.

Breast radiology: breast imaging services for the South East London Breast Screening Programme and for King’s College Hospital clinicians.

Dental radiology: provides specialist dental imaging.

Booking a patient at King’s

Routine Referrals

For x-ray referrals, please call 020 3299 1525 or email [email protected]. You can either email the form to us directly or ask the patient to bring the request form with them. Please do not follow both steps per referral to avoid duplication.

For ultrasound referrals, please call 020 3299 3059 or email [email protected]. Send the request form to the ultrasound department so we can ensure the patient is correctly prepared.

For fluoroscopy referrals, please call 020 3299 3331 or email [email protected]. Send the request form to the fluoroscopy department so we can ensure the patient is correctly prepared.

For specialist imaging investigations that require some specialist x-ray exams, CT, MRI or interventional imaging please refer to the relevant hospital speciality. The hospital clinicians will determine what investigations are necessary.

Hospital-to-hospital referrals can be made by letter. Please include full patient information and clinical details, the examination and treatment required.

GP Direct Access

We provide direct access GPs to refer patients for most x-ray and ultrasound imaging investigations. Some specialist examinations will still need to be referred via the specialist hospital clinicians.

Emergency Referrals

For suspected cancer, refer via the urgent suspected cancer referral pathway.

All GP requests for fracture and chest pain x-rays will be reported immediately.

Other Queries

For advice and guidance please contact the relevant department using the routine referral email address or telephone number. Our administrative team will direct your query to the appropriate lead staff.

Referral forms

TitleFile SizeLink
Radiology Request Form GP28 KB
Radiology Request Form SLaM28 KB

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Dr Pamela Allen Consultant Radiologist
Dr Thoraya Ammar Consultant Radiologist
Dr Ajay Arora Cosultant Radiologist
Dr Frederick Barber Consultant Radiologist
Dr Bhavna Batohi Consultant Radiologist
Mr Dan Beazley Cardiac Lead Superintendent - Cardiac Catheter Suite
Dr Dennis Bielecki Senior MSK Specialist Radiologist
Ms Eleri Brown Lead CT Trauma Radiographer
Dr Lucia Chen Cardiothoracic Radiologist
Mrs Jane Clarke Clinical Specialist Manager General Ultrasound Dept.
Dr Gabi Constantinescu Consultant MSK Radiologist
Dr Cristina Dudau Consultant Neuroradiologist
Dr David Elias Consultant Radiologist
Mr Giorgio Garzillo Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Dr Jane Goligher Consultant Radiologist
Ms Sarah Gower Lead Superintendent Radiographer - X-Ray Imaging
Mr Stephen Gregory Consultant Radiologist
Dr Saira Haque Consultant Paediatric Radiologist
Dr Dean Huang Consultant Radiologist
Dr Sachin Kamat Consultant radionuclide and general radiologist
Dr Nabil Kibriya Consultant Radiologist (HPB)
Dr Sumantra Kumar Consultant Radiologist
Miss Heather Lee Consultant
Dr Rebecca Leung Consultant Radiologist
Dr Dylan Lewis Consultant Radiologist
Dr Lisa Meacock Consultant Radiologist
Dr Anna Metafa Consultant
Dr Michael Michell Consultant Radiologist, Breast Radiology and South East London Breast Screening Service & National Training Centre
Dr Fiona Miller Consultant Radiologist
Dr Juliet Morel Consultant
Dr Nicola Mulholland Consultant Radiologist
Dr Subhachandra Navaratne Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Mr Oluwakemi Olushola MRI Radiographer
Dr Nikhil Kaushik Patel Consultant Radiologist
Mr Clare Peacock consultant radiologist
Dr Praveen Peddu Consultant Radiologist
Dr Dan Quinlan Senior Clinical Fellow
Dr Rumana Rahim Doctor
Dr Hasti Robbie Consultant Radiologist
Dr Suzanne Ryan Consultant Radiologist
Dr Maria Sellars Consultant Radiologist
Dr Ali Sever Consultant Radiologist
Mr Harry Smyth Acting Lead CT Superintendent Radiographer
Dr Priyan Tantrige Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Dr Sa Tran Consultant Radiologist
Mr Paul Walker Cardiac Superintendent Radiographer
Dr Rema Wasan Consultant Radiologist
Dr C. Jason Wilkins Consultant Radiologist
Dr Tim Yusuf Consultant Interventional Radiologist