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Parkinson’s and movement disorders

What we do

King’s College Hospital is one of only two centres in the UK to receive the status of Parkinson’s Foundation Centre of Excellence for the treatment and research of Parkinson’s disease, led by Professor K Ray Chaudhuri and faculty colleagues. Professor K Ray Chaudhuri is the Director of the Parkinson’s Foundation Centre of Excellence at King’s College Hospital (KCH) and King’s College London (KCL).

The multi-disciplinary team (MDT) spans neurosciences, nursing and therapies. It provides care for people with Parkinson’s (PwP) through diagnosis, maintenance, advanced/complex and palliative stages of this condition.

We run a neuro-geriatrician clinic, led by Dr Reddy, and a world-renowned Parkinson’s spectrum memory clinic, led by Professor Dag Aarsland. We also run a specialised Parkinson’s research clinic, led by Dr V Metta under the guidance of Professor K Ray Chaudhuri. In addition, we offer a clinic for atypical Parkinsonism.

We offer highly specialised advanced MDT for PwP who are suitable for subcutaneous apomorphine infusion therapy, levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel infusion (Duodopa) and deep brain stimulation (DBS).

Our team works closely with the King’s paediatrics (children’s) service and runs a transitional clinic for young adults with DBS entering adulthood, led by Professor Samuel, Professor Ashkan and the DBS team.

We provide a regional service for patients with dystonia, Botox clinics and the only restless legs syndrome (RLS) remote advisory clinics in the UK.

We offer educational and supportive virtual evening clinics for newly diagnosed PwP and patients on Duodopa infusion therapy and their carers.

Our centre acknowledges the integration of clinical care with research and education across the service. It has a world-renowned research programme, strong interdisciplinary research, extensive publications and a leading role in developing scales measurements that are used globally. This includes innovative clinical trials and first in-human studies.

Innovations include our Community for Research Involvement and Support by PwP (CRISP), a EUROPAR expert patient group formed to promote public and patient involvement (PPI), led by Alex Rizos and team. The purpose of CRISP is to raise awareness of research, highlight the importance of participation of PwP in research, and encourage patients and their carers to ask their consultant about clinical research.

We are an international training centre for movement disorders and Parkinson’s disease for neurologists, geriatricians, Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialists (PDNS) and other disciplines.

We provide an international educational platform via our weekly academic and monthly PDNS platforms and weekly academic clinical case presentations. We also offer fellowships for doctors via the Movement Disorders Society and the European Academy of Neurology. Self-funded overseas fellowships are also available.


First floor, Willowfield Building, King’s College Hospital, Bessemer Road, SE5 9BG

Contact Details

We treat:

  • Parkinson’s disease (early and complex, palliative) and Parkinsonism
  • Parkinson’s disease device aided therapies: deep brain stimulation (DBS) apomorphine subcutaneous infusion and Duodopa intestinal gel infusion
  • young adults with DBS transitioning to adulthood
  • young and adult movement disorders including; chorea, myoclonus, tremor, ballism
  • dystonia for diagnosis and treatment with botulinum toxin
  • restless legs syndrome (national centre)

Booking a patient at King’s

GPs should refer via NHS e-referral (e-RS) wherever possible.

Other ways to refer

Routine Referrals

Named referrals for the Parkinson’s Centre of Excellence should be addressed to the relevant consultant on the Key Clinical Staff list (see tab above) and sent via the electronic referring service (ERS). Please submit under the category ‘movement disorders’.

Research-based referrals should be emailed to the research coordinators.

Advanced medical therapy referrals (apomorphine, levodopa infusion) require a consultant to consultant letter referral (to Professor K Ray Chaudhuri or Nurse Consultant Miriam Parry).

Other Queries

For advice and guidance, please contact:

Neurology secretaries: [email protected]
Neurosciences Outpatients Department: [email protected]

Research coordinators

Aleksandra Podlewska: [email protected]
Dhaval Trivedi: [email protected]

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Mr Ken Adindu DBS CNS
Prof Keyoumars Ashkan Consultant Neurosurgeon
Miss Natasha Hulse Movement Disorder Clinical Nurse Specialist
Dr Vinod Metta Consultant Interventional Neurologist & Movement Disorders Specialist
Miss Jenny Ann Natividad Clinical Nurse Specialist ( Parkinson's Disease)
Mrs Miriam Parry Parkinson's Disease Nurse Consultant
Prof Kallol Ray Chaudhuri Director, Parkinson's Foundation centre of excellence
Dr Prash Reddy Consultant
Prof Michael Samuel Consultant Neurologist / Co Lead King’s Deep Brain Stimulation Service / KCL Block Lead for MBBS Cognition Movement Senses
Dr Daniel van Wamelen Honorary Consultant Neurologist