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Multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuroinflammation

What we do

Multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuroinflammatory disorders are immune mediated conditions that affect the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

At King’s Multiple Sclerosis Centre, we manage patients from southeast London and Kent. We work with multiple regional NHS Trusts. Through King’s Health Partners (KHP) we have close relationships with Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Neurosciences, King’s College London, the Maudsley Hospital and GKT School of Medical Education.

We deliver a specialised service offering diagnostics, therapeutics, and supportive care. We are one of the leading sites for delivery of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in MS patients with highly active disease.

We are involved in clinical trials and take part in the UK MS trials and registries consortium. Members of the team are representatives in regional and national committees (NICE, Association of British Neurologists, MS Society and MS Trust) aiming to improve the service delivered to patients with MS and related disorders.


  • Neuroinflammation clinics
  • Infusion suite for high efficacy DMT delivery
  • Plasmapheresis (under Renal team care)
  • HSCT (under Haematology care)
  • Regional multidisciplinary team meetings
  • Neuroinflammation radiology meetings
  • Neuropsychiatry meetings
  • Pan London HSCT meetings
  • Neuromyelitis optica clinics and multidisciplinary meetings (jointly with Oxford)
  • Sarcoidosis multidisciplinary clinics and team meetings
  • HIV neurology clinics
  • Research trials in palliative care for advanced MS, innovative mental health services and MS in ethnic minorities (ADAMS study), sexual health in MS, and new MRI techniques


Outpatient Clinics: First floor, Willowfield Building, King’s College Hospital, Bessemer Road, London, SE5 9BG

Contact details

Conditions we treat

We diagnose and treat:

  • multiple sclerosis
  • neuromyelitis optica (NMO or Devic’s disease)
  • neurosarcoidosis
  • transverse myelitis
  • optic neuritis
  • neuroinflammatory disorders

What is required before referring a patient

For patients who have been diagnosed at another centre it would be helpful to have as much information about how they were diagnosed and their symptoms to date, for example, clinic letters, investigation results etc.


  1. GPs should refer via NHS e-referral (e-RS)
  2. Internal referrals are accepted on EPIC system
  3. External referrals from other centres are accepted by email to the admin team ([email protected]) or post to the following address:

MS Admin Team (or named consultant)
Neurology Department,
First Floor, Neuroscience Building
King’s College Hospital
Bessemer Road
London SE5 9RW

Other queries

For any other queries, contact the MS service co-ordinator:
Tel 020 3299 8344

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Miriam Angeli Bayaya Clinical Nurse Specialist
Dr Peter Brex Consultant
Deborah Clarke Senior Pharmacy Technician
Monica Davoli Clinical Nurse Specialist
Francoise Divinagracia Clinical Nurse Specialist
Dr Yasser Falah Consultant
Shelley Jones Deputy Chief Pharmacist
Gosia Kuran Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist
Dr Rhian Raftopoulos Consultant
Professor Eli Silber Consultant
Dr Victoria Williams Consultant