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What we do

We specialise in caring for infants who are born prematurely as well as newborns with a variety of complex surgical problems.

We also work closely with the Harris Birthright Centre, whose antenatal diagnostic service detects conditions before babies are born, enabling them to be given appropriate treatment after birth and sometimes before.

The Neonatal Unit has many different specialists including physiotherapists, dieticians, occupational therapists and speech therapists, who all work with our team to provide the best multidisciplinary care for children while they are with us.

In addition, we provide follow-up care in outpatients to monitor the progress of many of the infants we have treated in the Neonatal Unit.

As well as providing high-quality treatment for infants, we also have a world-renowned research group on our unit which specialises in investigating neonatal respiratory illnesses.


Fourth floor, Golden Jubilee Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Contact Details

Patient information leaflets

TitleFile SizeLink
Parent-led ward rounds (Family Integrated Care)170 KB
Supporting your baby’s developmental care on the Neonatal Unit807 KB
Why does my baby need antibiotics?179 KB

Conditions we treat

We treat paediatric neonatal conditions.

Booking a patient at King’s

Routine Referrals

For routine referrals, contact the Newborn Unit on 020 3299 4564, Beep 698

Emergency Referrals

For emergency referrals, contact the Newborn Unit on 020 3299 4564, Beep 698

Other Queries

For all other enquiries, contact 020 3299 3553

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Dr Kamal Ali Consultant
Dr Anusha Arasu Consultant Neonatologist with Lead for Neonatal Neurodevelopmental Follow-up
Dr Mohammed Bahari Doctor
Dr Poonam Belani Consultant
Dr Ravi Bhat Consultant neonatologist
Mr Paul Blackwell Medical technician
Mrs Geraldine Cochrane Modern Matron
Dr Theodore Dassios Consultant
Dr Svilena Dimitrova Consultant Neonatologist
Miss Kristin Ford Staff Nurse
Mr Rashmi Gandhi Consultant Neonatologist
Dr Eniko Grozdics Neonatal Consultant
Dr Christopher Harris Neonatal Consultant
Ms Harbi Kaur Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practioner
Mr Humphrey Kauseni Senior Specialist Charge Nurse
Dr Abhi Lall Consultant in Neonatal Medicine
Dr Edit Molnar Consultant Neonatologist
Mr Rezi Morales Modern Matron
Dr Vadivelam Murthy Locum Consultant
Mr Mahesh Nanjundappa Consultant Neonatologist
Miss Salve Nievarez Junior Sister
Mr Zahara Nizarali Consultant
Ms Imelda Ann Nolan Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Dr Grace Okoye Consultant in Neonatal Medicine
Ms Ade Omofade Matron
Miss Sophia Porteous Sister
Dr Russell Pryce Consultant Neonatologist
Mr Lekshmi Sasidharan Consultant Neonatologist
Dr Raghavendra Subba Rao Neonatal Consultant
Miss Liz Tackie Practice Development Nurse
Dr Sophia Teoh Neonatal Consultant
Dr Carolina Zorro Consultant in Neonatal Medicine