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Pulmonary rehabilitation

What we do

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a course of education and physical activity that helps you to learn more about your condition, improve your fitness and strength, and feel less breathless. By understanding your condition and knowing how to cope with it we help to put you back in control again. It works very well and can make a real difference to your life.

We offer it to all patients with long-term (chronic) lung disease – generally those with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma or bronchiectasis, although it works for most respiratory conditions.

At your first appointment, a member of our team will review your medical history, medication and current level of fitness, and assess if you have any musculoskeletal problems that may require further advice. If needed, we will refer you for musculoskeletal problems or breathing pattern disorders, to support you through the pulmonary rehabilitation programme.

Our team will then tailor your exercise programme to your needs and level of fitness. The programme lasts seven weeks and includes attendance twice a week. It could also involve gentle walking and exercises you do sitting down, or faster walking, step-ups and using an exercise bicycle. It may also include attending a gym at one of the locations listed below. We also make sure you know about your medications and what to do if you have an attack of breathlessness. We help you to feel confident to manage your symptoms and teach you to set realistic goals that will help you achieve what you want to do.

After rehabilitation most people:

  • can walk further and faster
  • feel less breathless during routine daily activities
  • feel more positive and better in themselves
  • sleep better and have more energy
  • have fewer chest infections and admissions to hospital.

Educational videos

A series of educational pulmonary rehabilitation videos have been created by colleagues across south east London and can be found on the Pulmonary Rehabilitation South East London Integrated Care System webpage. The videos have been designed to educate both patients and clinicians on what pulmonary rehabilitation is, who is suitable to attend, its benefits, and much more.

Information leaflets

For more information about a wide range of lung conditions, visit the British Lung Foundation website.


We are based at King’s College Hospital and provide our Better Breathing for Life programme at:

  • Third floor, Bessemer Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS
  • Dulwich Leisure Centre
  • Streatham Leisure Centre
  • Recreation Centre, Brixton

Contact Details

Conditions we treat

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a programme of exercise and education for patients with chronic respiratory impairment that is individually tailored to the patient’s ability.

It leads to large and meaningful improvements in breathlessness. Patients generally report that they can walk further, feel fitter and are better able to cope with their condition. There is a large body of research showing that rehabilitation is effective and that it reduces the frequency of infections and hospital admissions.

It is suitable for patients with a variety of respiratory diseases such as COPD, asthma, bronchiectasis and pulmonary fibrosis.

What is required before referring a patient

Please provide copy of latest spirometry test results or FEV1/VC% and FEV1 % predicted, MRC breathlessness score, and patient’s height and weight. See referral form for full details.

Booking a patient at King’s

GPs should refer via NHS e-referral (e-RS) wherever possible.

Other ways to refer

Routine Referrals

Fill in the referral form below. The form lists how to submit the referral depending on which service is needed.

Emergency Referrals

Fast track referrals can be made for COPD patients who attend ED or who are admitted for an exacerbation of the condition.

Other Queries

Tel: 020 3299 6039
Email: [email protected]

Referral forms

TitleFile SizeLink
Integrated Respiratory Team referral form145 KB

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Christine Jones Respiratory Clinical Nurse Specialist (adult)
Maria Koulopoulou Clinical Lead and Specialist Respiratory Physiotherapist
Arran Woodhouse Lead Tobacco Dependence Specialist