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The Havens

What we do

The Havens care for people in London who have been sexually assaulted or raped in the last 12 months.

We offer urgent and follow-up care, including:

  • support, advice, and counselling
  • medical care, such as emergency contraception and infection prevention
  • forensic examinations to collect evidence

Some of our services are time-dependent, so please phone us to discuss this.

We can help you to contact the police and report what has happened, and it is their duty to investigate. If you report the assault to the police first, they will organise your visit to us. Please note, all children under 13 must be referred to us by the police or local children’s social care team (depending on the circumstances).

We respect our patients’ confidentiality and right to privacy. Where appropriate and necessary for your care, safety and wellbeing or to assist the investigation, we will discuss with you what information can be shared and how.

To find out more about us and the service we offer, go to the Havens website.

Contact us

We’re here to help you if you’ve been sexually assaulted or raped in the past 12 months.

If you have been sexually assaulted or raped in the last seven days and would like advice or an urgent appointment, please call us on 020 3299 6900, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (unless you are aged under 13). When we need to see you urgently, we aim to see you within 90 minutes.

If the assault or rape happened more than seven days ago, please call us on 020 3299 1599, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (not public/bank holidays), unless you are aged under 13. We can help you with queries about follow-up and aftercare appointments and answer general enquiries.  You can also email us at:

Preparing for your appointment

Anyone can contact us on your behalf (unless you are aged under 13): you, a friend, a family member, the police, a doctor or nurse.

The Havens are not a walk-in service: an appointment must be made and confirmed by telephone, email, or letter.

If you, or the person for whom you are making contact, is considering a forensic examination following a recent sexual assault or rape, please keep any underwear, clothing, or sanitary wear. This may provide useful evidence.

Do not wash or bathe before an examination because it may remove forensic evidence.

If you do not remember what has happened, it is important you understand the examination itself will not provide an answer, and forensic tests may not show any evidence (such as DNA), but that does not confirm that nothing happened.


Our three locations see people from across London.

  • Camberwell Haven, SE5 9RS, near to King’s College Hospital (south)
  • Whitechapel Haven, E1 5DG,  near to Royal London Hospital (east)
  • Paddington Haven, W10 6DZ, near to St Mary’s Hospital (west)

For all under 13s referrals:
Acute cases (within the last seven days) can only be referred to us by the police for time-sensitive collection of evidence. Social care will be informed. For non-acute referrals, we require a social care referral and police will be informed.

We provide comprehensive, patient-centred acute and follow-up care to those who have been sexually assaulted or raped. Our patients or clients may be women, men, adults or children.

We provide:

  • immediate support and advice
  • clinical care such as emergency contraception, HIV PEPSE, hepatitis vaccinations, bacterial prophylaxis
  • forensic examination to collect evidence, where appropriate, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
  • follow-up clinical care, such as pregnancy testing and STI screening and treatment
  • counselling
  • anonymous police clinics with sexual offences investigations officers.

Some of our services are time-dependent, so please phone us to discuss this or for advice. Although many patients attend having already reported to the police what has happened, we can assist in making contact on their behalf.

We are not a walk-in service, so appointments must be made with our staff and confirmed by telephone, email or letter.

The Havens are managed by King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and commissioned by the Metropolitan Police and NHS England. For more information about us and the service we offer, go to the Havens website.

What is required before referring a patient

If the patient is considering a forensic examination for evidence, following a recent sexual assault or rape, retaining underwear, clothing, sanitary wear and so on may be useful. Washing or bathing before an examination may remove forensic evidence.

Evidence collection is time-dependent, so information about what happened and when is required.

A relative, friend or advocate may attend with the patient, for support. If their ability to consent is impaired or they have any special needs, such as requiring a translator, please tell us.

Clinicians should try to provide any medical care at their first point of contact, before the patient attends The Havens.

Clinical care takes priority over forensic examination, although they are often combined.

People with serious injuries – for example, vaginal bleeding, head injuries or stab wounds – should be seen and assessed by an emergency department first.

Booking a patient

For all under 13s referrals:
Acute cases (within the last seven days) can only be referred to us by the police for time-sensitive collection of evidence. Social care will be informed. For non-acute referrals, we require a social care referral and police will be informed.

Routine Referrals

To refer a patient or discuss a potential or current referral, call the Havens and ask for the Havens doctor.

Tel: 020 3299 1599, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (not bank/public holidays)

Emergency Referrals

If a patient tells you have they have been raped or sexually assaulted, call the urgent advice/appointments number below. We can tell you whether to advise your patient to come to us immediately for medical care and/or a forensic medical examination, or to visit us at a later date for aftercare. If they need to be seen urgently, we aim to see them within 90 minutes of making the appointment.

Tel: 020 3299 6900 – urgent advice/appointments, 24/7

Other Queries

For all other enquiries, including following up on existing cases and discussing local service arrangements in general, call the Haven Camberwell reception.

Tel: 020 3299 1169, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (not bank/public holidays)