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Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic

What we do

Our service helps patients experiencing chest pain and assesses whether their symptoms reflect a heart (cardiac) problem.

After being referred by their GP, patients will undergo an ECG, will have their medical history taken and be examined by our specialist cardiac nurse in our clinic. Results of some investigations may be available by the end of the appointment, so your visit at the clinic may take up to three hours. Further investigations may also be scheduled at a later date.

After this appointment test results will be either discussed with the patient by telephone or a letter is sent to the patient and their GP. If required, the patient may be referred to another appropriate service.


Suite 6, First Floor, Golden Jubilee Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Contact Details

Conditions we treat

We see patients who have exertional chest pain which is suggestive of new onset angina within the last two months. Patients reviewed by a Cardiologist within the last five years may be accepted.

We do not treat patients who:

  • are suspected of having acute MI or unstable angina – they should be referred to an Emergency Department.
  • have IHD. They should be referred to General Cardiology
  • have palpitations or arrhythmias unless these are considered secondary to chest pain or as a result of a coronary artery disease cause.

What is required before referring a patient

Send details of patient’s medications, past medical history, recent blood tests, ECG and BP reading.

Booking a patient at King’s

GPs should refer via NHS e-referral (e-RS) wherever possible.

Other ways to refer

Routine Referrals

Not applicable

Emergency Referrals

GPs should use NHS e-Referral. Other healthcare professionals can refer by completing the referral form (below) and email it to

Other Queries

Email the RACP co-ordinator:

Referral forms

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Mr Michael Dodkin Clinical Nurse Specialist