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Restorative dentistry

What we do

We treat a wide range of patients, including those:

  • who have or have had oral cancer
  • with congenital dental abnormalities such as hypodontia and cleft lip and palate.
  • with mouth and face injuries.

We offer specialist services not provided by general dentists, including:

  • Prosthodontics – where we replace lost or missing teeth using fixed or removable devices such as bridges, implants and dentures.
  • Periodontology – where we repair the damage caused by disease in your gums and the bones that support your teeth, and prevent further damage.
  • Endodontics – sometimes called root canal treatment, this is a procedure that becomes necessary when the blood and nerve supply of a tooth (known as dental pulp) become infected by bacteria.


Second floor, Dental Institute, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Contact Details

Conditions we treat

We consider the following high priority groups for treatment:

  • patients who have or have had oral cancer
  • patients with congenital dental abnormalities, such as hypodontia, cleft lip and palate and amelogenesis imperfecta
  • medically compromised patients
  • patients who have suffered orofacial trauma.

For further information about referral criteria, read the Routine referral section and the Restorative Dentistry referrals acceptance criteria pdf below.

Our clinics cover these specialist treatment areas:


  • dentoalveolar trauma and resorption (internal and external)
  • separated instruments
  • extirpation of pulps
  • retreatment of single-rooted teeth in high priority cases such as trauma
  • molar retreatment of strategic teeth
  • apical surgery.


For difficult denture cases and patients with complex crown and bridgework requiring specialist treatment. We do not provide replacement bridges.


For patients:

  • with advanced periodontitis (patients under 40)
  • with aggressive early onset periodontitis
  • with complex mucogingival problems, severe localised gingival recession, gingival enlargement
  • with persistent deep pocketing
  • with a medical condition/medication which may be contributing to the problem
  • who may benefit from crown lengthening before restorative treatment
  • who are being considered for complex orthodontic/orthognathic surgery where periodontal health is in doubt


For patients:

  • who have suffered oro-facial trauma,
  • who have or have had oro-facial cancer
  • with congenital defects such has hypodontia and cleft palate
  • having difficulty wearing full dentures.

What is required before referring a patient

Patients referred for implant treatment must not smoke and must have:

  • good oral hygiene
  • no active periodontal disease
  • a well cared for mouth.

We do not provide GA or sedation for anxious patients requiring specialist restorative dental treatment.

Patients accepted for treatment will be expected to have a general dental practitioner who is willing to assume responsibility for continuing dental care and participate in treatment as deemed necessary by a consultant in restorative dentistry. Most patients will be discharged back to their general dental practitioners once their treatment is complete.

Generally, we are unable to accept patients for treatment on financial grounds alone. Acceptance is based on clinical need.

Booking a patient at King’s

Routine Referrals

For routine referrals complete the south east London Restorative Dentistry referral form. The appointment will be arranged through the Dental Waiting List Office on 020 3299 4988.

We do not accept referrals:

  • from general practitioners (GPs). Please advise patient to see their own dentist or register with a dentist first. The dentist can then refer the patient to us.
  • for dentures – please refer to the Head of Department at Guy’s Hospital
  • for unrestorable teeth – if this is obvious from the x-ray provided
  • for falling crown and bridge work
  • for treatment requiring sedation, including root canal treatment
  • for treatment requiring general anaesthesia, including root canal treatment
  • if insufficient clinical information is provided on the referral proforma/letter.

Emergency Referrals

For emergency referrals complete the south east London Restorative Dentistry referral form. The appointment will be arranged through the Dental Waiting List Office on 020 3299 4988.

Other Queries

For any other queries, contact the clinic Reception Desk, tel 020 3299 1740.

Referral forms

TitleFile SizeLink
Dental Referral Form – South East London Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry referrals acceptance criteria248 KB

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Mr Aws Alani Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Mr Mohammadreza (Reza) Aryafar Consultant in Endodontics
Dr Gita Auplish Consultant in Periodontics
Mr Khawer Ayub Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Prof Igor Blum Hon. Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Mr Ed Brady Consultant in Endodontics
Ms Despoina Chatzistavrianou Consultant in Restorative Dentistry - KCH and QMH
Ms Sela Hussain Consultant in Restorative Dentistry - QMH
Mr Jagdip Kalsi Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Mr Martin Kelleher Interim Clinical Lead, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Dr Sneha Kubal Consultant in Prosthodontics
Ms Bhavya Mohan Consultant in Periodontics
Professor Brian Millar Hon. Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Mr Alex Mustard Consultant in Endodontics
Ms Nectaria Polycarpou Consultant in Endodontics
Mrs Shivani Rana Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Mr Ashok Vijayakumar Locum Consultant in Restorative Dentistry