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Southwark MSK Community Day

As a patient on our Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy waiting list, you have been sent this link to give you information about our next Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Community Day.

Due to high demand for our services, we are changing the way they are run, and we are currently unable to offer you a traditional appointment. Instead, Musculoskeletal Community Day events are being arranged to support patients who are on our waiting list, and provide them with faster access to a physiotherapist. You have been identified as someone who could benefit from attending this event.

You will have an opportunity to:

  • speak with a physiotherapist to discuss how to best manage your muscle and joint health.
  • access other local community support organisations, depending on what matters to you, all in one place.

This may include:

  • advice on wellbeing and healthy living
  • exercise recommendations
  • general health checks
  • community services
  • advice on housing, finances, and other practical support.

Important: Community Days are the current way to access our physiotherapy services if you have a non-urgent condition. There will be more Community Days over the next few months. However, please bear in mind that if you are not able to attend any dates offered, or you do not wish to attend a Community Day, your name will be removed from our physiotherapy waiting list, and you will be referred back to your GP.

Patient testimonials

Patients who attended previous Community Days told us:

“Friendly, welcoming, and easy access to expert advice.”

“Physio I spoke to was wonderful, very attentive, knowledgeable and reassuring.”

“Everyone was very kind and made every effort to listen to me.”

“My condition was explained in detail and how I can go about improving my situation.”

“I got to see a physio. Community services were very useful such as local support, health checks and exercise groups.”

“Actual listening, understanding and support. I felt seen by the NHS.”

Next Community Day

Date: Friday 16 May 2025

Time: Appointments are available between 9am and 2.30pm. If you received a text message from us about the event, we will be in touch to discuss booking you an appointment slot for the day. You can also book your appointment slot by emailing [email protected]

Tea and coffee will be provided on the day.

Location: Damilola Taylor Centre, 1 East Surrey Grove, Peckham, SE15 6DR.

Find out accessibility information for the Centre

Getting here:

  • Bus: 12, 171, 36
  • Train: Peckham Rye

There is limited pay and display car parking on Cator Street.

If you no longer need a physiotherapy appointment: let us know by emailing [email protected]

Language or communication support

As this day is not at our usual hospital site, we are unable to provide communication support around language interpretation, so if you need this please tell us when booking your appointment. You will need to consider bringing a friend or relative with you who can help with interpreting.

Participating organisations

Long COVID Programme

A project to raise awareness of post-COVID symptoms and improve confidence and knowledge in managing post-viral illnesses. We have co-created educational films with patients to help people in their recovery.


Social Prescribing

Many things can affect our health and wellbeing; such as loneliness, stress or money problems. Sometimes it could be the stress of managing different long-term conditions. Social Prescribers are here to listen to you, to put you in touch with the people, organisations and activities that aim to help you to feel better. The service is free and confidential.

Email: [email protected] (South Southwark)
Email: [email protected] (North Southwark)

Southwark Health Promotion Outreach Service

A programme which aims to develop community awareness and understanding of health improvement services across the borough.

Email: [email protected]

Southwark Leisure

Provide leisure fitness centres across the Southwark borough for members to gain access to swimming, fitness classes, gym and sauna as part of a membership.

Telephone: 03330 050 409

Talking Therapies

Talking Therapies Southwark offers a range of individual and group psychological treatments for low mood, stress and anxiety to people over the age of 16.

You can self-refer via:
Telephone: 0203 228 2194
Email: [email protected]

The Local Support Team

The Local Support Team offers the following services; Income maximisation service, Southwark Emergency Support Scheme (SESS) and Hardship Fund Scheme.

Telephone: 020 7525 7434
Website: and-support

Versus Arthritis

We are a national charity who wants to see a future free from arthritis. We won’t rest until everyone with arthritis has access to the treatments and support they need to live the life they choose with real hope of a cure in the future. We provide support and services for people with arthritis in across the UK. We provide them, their families, and friends with support, understanding, information and expertise so they can get the most out of life.

We offer free, informative, easy-to-read health information booklets that can help people understand their conditions, find out about available treatments, and learn how to live well with their symptoms
Helpline: 0800 5200 520

Southwark Citizens Advice

Free, confidential advice. Whoever you are.

We help people overcome their problems and campaign on big issues when their voices need to be heard. We value diversity, champion equality, and challenge discrimination and harassment.
We’re here for everyone.


Southwark Council Welfare Benefits and Support Team

We are able to check what benefits, discounts and exemptions you are currently in receipt of and highlight any missing entitlement. We can aid in applying for those missing benefits.

Emergency Support Scheme – We can complete application forms for anyone who has an emergency, crisis or disaster and needs food, fuel or essential household goods.

Hardship Fund – We can complete an application for anyone in receipt of a disability benefit, and struggling with debt, for a grant to alleviate the immediate financial pressure.

Local Support Team telephone number: 020 7525 2434

Everyone Health

The Healthy Lifestyle Hub can support you to improve your health and wellbeing. You will get free advice and guidance, and be given options for local services and activities that are right for you. The Healthy Lifestyle Hub can provide friendly, supportive advice and guidance for up to 12 months, helping you to get healthier and feel better.


Clear Community Web

Clear Community Web help people feel more confident and comfortable with technology across South London. Our Healthy Digital programme supports the community to manage their own health and wellbeing by raising awareness of health related apps (such as the NHS App and My Chart) as well as to support residents to use these competently and confident.


Healthier You

NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in South East London

This programme provides tailored, personalised support to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. You’ll have the chance to learn about healthy eating, losing weight and exercising. This combination of lifestyle changes is proven to help prevent the disease.

Self referral:

Southwark health promotions team

There will be a range of advice, where you’ll be able to:

  • speak to health professionals about your wellbeing
  • get your blood pressure and weight checked
  • get advice on stopping smoking and help with alcohol, and support for your mental wellbeing
  • find out about preventing, and managing long-term conditions such as diabetes
  • get advice on local screening for breast, bowel, cervical, lung and prostate cancer
  • find out about local services that can help you, including leisure centres

Age UK

We know that growing older doesn’t come with a manual. That’s why we provide free information and advice to help you on topics as diverse as claiming benefits to care homes.

Phone number: 020 77019700
Email: [email protected]

Community Rehabilitation and Falls (CRAFS)

We specialise in preventing falls. We care for people who have:

  • previously had a fall, fracture or illness
  • concerns about falling
  • conditions such as arthritis and joint replacements which have led to a change in function

We help people who have an illness, injury or disability affecting their:

  • personal care tasks, like washing and dressing
  • domestic tasks, such as cooking, housework, shopping
  • transfers, such as getting on and off a bed, chair or toilet
  • walking and mobility, needing the use of walking aids or strength and balance training
  • leisure, education or work

Strength and Balance Helpline: 020 3049 5424
email: [email protected]

Sydenham Gardens

Sydenham Garden is a unique wellbeing centre utilising its gardens, nature reserve and activity rooms to help people in their recovery from mental and physical ill-health in Lewisham and South Southwark. We aim to do this through providing co-workers an opportunity to take part in one of our five main projects, along with many supplementary activities and club.


Walworth Garden

As well as an award-winning demonstration garden, horticultural training centre, and therapy provider, Walworth Garden is a true centre of learning and growth for the local area. Offering City and Guilds accredited horticultural training, community workshops across health, wellbeing, and the environment, and Social and Therapeutic Horticulture groups, we aim to serve both our community and the environment by offering a range of learning opportunities that put nature first.

Our aim is to improve lives by providing excellent learning and horticultural therapy through an award winning garden that’s open to all.


Further information

Go to our Musculoskeletal outpatient physiotherapy page for more information about our service

Tel: 020 3299 8220

Email: [email protected]