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King’s buildings

Hospital map

Use our map of King’s College Hospital to help you find your way around the hospital site. We have many buildings on our main site, so you may also find it useful to familiarise yourself with the wing or centre you need to attend for your appointment or visit. Accessibility information is also available.


Arthur Levin Building

The Day Surgery Centre is in The Arthur Levin Building. The entrance is on Bessemer Road, close to the junction with Denmark Hill.

Bessemer Wing

The entrance to Bessemer Wing is on Bessemer Road, past Hambleden Wing and the main entrance to the hospital.

On the map, Bessemer Wing is marked in grey.

Caldecot Centre

The Specialist Sexual Health Service, including the Rainbow Clinic, is in The Caldecot Centre, which is on Caldecot Road.

Camberwell Building

Camberwell Sexual Health Centre is in the Camberwell Building at 94-104 Denmark Hill.

Cheyne Wing

Cheyne Wing is one of King’s largest wings and contains many departments and wards including the Breast Care Unit, Renal, and Variety Children’s Hospital@King’s. You can access it by using the entrances to Hambleden Wing, Golden Jubilee Wing, or Ruskin Wing.

On the map Cheyne Wing is marked in yellow.

Cicely Saunders Institute

Cicely Saunders Institute is next to Bessemer Wing. It is home to King’s Palliative Care team and the Macmillan Information and Support Centre, a drop-in advice centre for people living with – and who have survived – cancer and other long-term conditions, their relatives, carers and friends.

Coldharbour Works

A number of our therapies services, such as physiotherapy, are provided at Coldharbour Works, 245a Coldharbour Lane. It is located near Loughborough Junction station.

Denmark Wing

Denmark Wing houses the Emergency Department (ED). The main entrance is on Bessemer Road, near the junction with Denmark Hill.

On the map Denmark Wing is marked in red.

Dental Institute

The main entrance to the Dental Institute is on Bessemer Road, close to the junction with Denmark Hill. It offers a full range of services for Dental patients including Orthodontics, Maxillofacial surgery, Children’s dentistry and Restorative dentistry.

Fetal Medicine Research Institute

The Fetal Medicine Research Institute on Windsor Walk is one of the buildings that houses our Maternity outpatient clinics, including our Maternal Assessment Unit, Antenatal Clinic and the Harris Birthright Centre.

Golden Jubilee Wing

Golden Jubilee Wing is one of King’s largest wings and contains many wards and departments including Orthopaedics, Gynaecology, the Early Pregnancy Unit and Maternity. The main entrance is on Bessemer Road, near the junction with Denmark Hill. The wing has a help desk which is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm. Here you can get directions to clinics, wards, and services throughout the hospital. Wheelchairs are available through a Wheelshare station next to the help desk. Please note, if you do not wish to use this service, or if you would like to use an alternative option, the hospital Help Desk can assist you.

On the map Golden Jubilee Wing is marked in turquoise.

Guthrie Wing

Guthrie Wing is home to our International and Private Patients Service. The entrance is on Denmark Hill.

On the map Guthrie Wing is marked in pink.

Hambleden Wing

Hambleden Wing was the first wing built at our Denmark Hill site back in 1909. It is the main entrance to the hospital and contains various clinical and administrative departments. It also has a help desk which is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm. Here you can get directions to clinics, wards, and services throughout the hospital. Wheelchairs are available through a Wheelshare station next to the help desk. Please note, if you do not wish to use this service, or if you would like to use an alternative option, the hospital Help Desk can assist you.

On the map Hambleden Wing is marked in brown.

Midwives’ House

The Midwives’ House on Coldharbour Lane is one of the buildings where King’s holds midwife and consultant-led antenatal clinics.

Normanby Building

The Normanby Building is on Bessemer Road. It’s entrance is opposite the main hospital entrance to Hambleden Wing. It houses a number of departments including Dermatology and Ophthalmology.

Ruskin Wing

Ruskin Wing has a direct entrance on Denmark Hill, but you can also get to it by walking from other main entrances. It houses many of our neurology wards, including the Friends Stroke Unit.

On the map Ruskin Wing is marked in purple.

Venetian Building

The Venetian Building is on the corner of Venetian Road and Caldecot Road. A small number of outpatient clinics are held here.

Weston Education Centre (WEC)

The WEC on Cutcombe Road is the hub for all training and education at King’s. It houses the Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education (PGMDE) department and King’s Clinical Training, as well as the medical school library and the simulation training centre. It also has conference facilities.

Willowfield Building

The Willowfield Building is on Bessemer Road, opposite Hambleden Wing and the main entrance to the hospital. It houses a number of outpatient services including clinics for Colorectal Surgery and Urology patients.