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Colorectal surgery

What we do

We diagnose and treat all colon, rectum, anus and small bowel diseases and conditions, including:

  • bowel (colorectal) cancer
  • inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
  • diverticular disease
  • rectal prolapse
  • rectal bleeding
  • incontinence and constipation
  • haemorrhoids (piles)
  • fistulas and anal fissures.

We use a wide range of investigations such as colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy and ultrasound, MRI and CT scans; specialist surgery including laparoscopic resections; and other treatments including chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

We also have a team of Stoma Nurse Specialists who provide follow-up care and advice.


Second floor, Willowfield Building, King’s College Hospital, Bessemer Road, SE5 9BG

Contact details

Conditions we treat

We treat:

  • ano-rectal problems
  • colorectal cancer
  • constipation
  • fissures
  • fistula-in-ano
  • haemorrhoids
  • incontinence
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • rectal bleeding
  • rectal prolapse

We provide all types of colorectal surgery for the following:

  • Colorectal cancer – anterior resection of the rectum with total mesorectal excision, laparoscopic surgery, TEMS (Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery) of rectal benign tumours and early rectal cancers.
    Our service also provides chemotherapy and radiotherapy for colorectal cancer with specialist follow-up care. In addition, we treat synchronous and metastatic colorectal cancer, working alongside King’s Liver Unit, one of the most advanced liver units in the world.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and more rare forms) – restorative proctolectomy with ileo-anal pouch, open and laparoscopic bowel.
  • Diverticular disease – laparoscopic or open surgery. Other treatment includes medical therapies and advice to improve quality of life. Please also ask about related clinical research trials.
  • Anal (haemorrhoids, fistulas, fissures) – stapled haemorrhoidectomy, ligasure haemorrhoidectomy, fibrin glue treatment, sphincterotomy, fissurectomy

Our Stoma Nurse Specialists can be contacted for referral and advice about patients who have a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy.

What is required before referring a patient

Diverticular disease clinic

Indicate confirmed diagnosis and stage of disease. Results of a laboratory, radiological, or endoscopic evaluation must be sent in to be reviewed in clinic.

Booking a patient at King’s

GPs should refer via NHS e-referral (e-RS) wherever possible.

Other ways to refer

Emergency referrals

For suspected cancer, refer via the urgent suspected cancer pathway.


Please contact

Key Clinical Staff

Name Role
Mr Hasan Al Chalabi Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Mrs Rosemarie Balagat Colorectal Cancer Nurse Specialist
Mrs Margaret Burt Early Colorectal Cancer specialist Nurse
Mr Joe Ellul Consultant Surgeon
Mr Amyn Haji Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Clinical Director Surgery
Mr Ahmed Hammad Consultant Surgeon
Mr Asif Haq Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Mr Tom Hennigan Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Mrs Lynne Higgins Colorectal Nurse Specialist
Mr Christo Lapa Consultant
Miss Shu-ling Lin Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Nurse
Mr Joseph W Nunoo-Mensah Consultant Colorectal & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Miss Laura Read Stoma Clinical Nurse Specialist
Ms Connie Russell ERAS Specialist Nurse
Mrs Laura Rutherford Early Colorectal Cancer Specialist Nurse
Miss Rosaria Scarpinata Consultant Colorectal & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Mr Tarun Singhal Consultant Laparoscopic Colorectal and General Surgeon
Mr Makis Ypsilantis General and Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeon